Notice Type
Notice Title

Perry & Sons Holding Limited and Perry & Sons Engineering Limited (both in liquidation)

Notice of Intention to Remove Company From
the Register
Pursuant to Section 320 of the Companies Act 1993
The liquidation of Perry & Sons Holding Limited and Perry & Sons Engineering Limited has been completed and I have filed my final reports on the liquidations with the Registrar of Companies, along with a request that the companies be removed from the Register pursuant to section 318 (1) (e) of the Companies Act 1993.
Any objection to the removals, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar no later than the 12th day of July 2004.
Dated this 11th day of June 2004.
TERRY BASTION, Liquidator, Perry & Sons Holding Limited and Perry & Sons Engineering Limited.