Notice Title

Notice of Application to Vary Terms of a Charitable Trust

In the High Court of New Zealand, New Plymouth Registry
In the matter of Part III of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, and in the matter of the Ferris Trust:
Take notice that the New Plymouth High Court approved the scheme to vary the Ferris Trust proposed by Father Kevin Neal (parish priest of Stratford), in a decision dated the 23rd day of April 2004, subject to modification, so that the new purposes of the Ferris Trust are:
To apply the net income towards:
(a) the educational needs of children of the Roman Catholic Parish in Stratford who, in the opinion of the trustees, are in need of financial assistance;
(b) the educational needs of all the parishioners of the Roman Catholic Parish in Stratford as well as priests and religious or lay workers; and
(c) meeting the costs and expenses of priests, religious or lay workers carrying out ministry in the Roman Catholic Parish in Stratford;
and, subject to these purposes being met then for the following additional purposes:
(a) the maintenance, alteration or development of the Church and associated buildings belonging to
the Roman Catholic Parish in Stratford;
(b) meeting the educational needs of Roman Catholic children in Taranaki who, in the opinion of the trustees, are in need of financial assistance; and
(c) to assist with ministries in Roman Catholic Parishes in the Taranaki region.