Notice Title

Notice of Approval-Part 132 of the Marine Protection Rules

Publication Date
23 Dec 2004


Maritime Transport Act Marine protection rules

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Principal Edition, 23 December 2004.
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Pursuant to Marine Protection Rule 132.4, I, Russell Paul Kilvington, Director of Maritime Safety, hereby give the following notice.
The dispersant known as Radiagreen OSD and manufactured in Belgium by Oleon NV is hereby approved as a Type 2 and Type 3 dispersant for the purposes of the Maritime Transport Act 1994.
The approval is subject to the following conditions:
1. This approved dispersant shall not be used except for the purpose of combating marine oil spills subject to an approved marine oil spill contingency plan.
2. The approved dispersant shall not be used except in accordance with the application procedures and guidelines recommended by the manufacturer.
3. Each batch of the approved dispersant shall be tested to ensure it complies with the specifications set out for Type 2 and Type 3 dispersants under the Marine Protection Rule - Part 132.9 (1). Copies of all such test certificates shall be provided to the director prior to distribution of the dispersant.
4. If the composition of the approved dispersant or its technical specifications change from the details given in the application for approval dated August 2002 and submitted to the director, the grantee is required to notify the director.
Dated this 3rd day of December 2004.
RUSSELL KILVINGTON, Director of Maritime Safety.