Notice Title

Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996

Hazardous Substances (Timber Preservatives, Antisapstains and Antifouling Paints) (Amendment) Transfer Notice 2004
Pursuant to section 160A of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (in this notice referred to as the Act), the Environmental Risk Management Authority gives the following notice.
1 Title
(1) This notice is the Hazardous Substances (Timber Preservatives, Antisapstains and Antifouling Paints) (Amendment) Transfer Notice 2004.
(2) In this Notice, the Hazardous Substances (Timber Preservatives, Antisapstains and Antifouling Paints) Transfer Notice 2004 is called "the principal notice".
2 Commencement
This notice comes into force on 1 January 2005.
3 Interpretation
In this notice, words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the principal notice.
4 Changes to hazard classifications and other matters
(1) The principal notice is amended in the manner indicated in Schedules 1 and 2 below.
(2) All references in the principal notice to Schedule 8 or Schedule 10 of the Hazardous Substances (Dangerous Goods and Scheduled Toxic Substances) Transfer Notice 2004 (Gazette, 2004, No 35, p 767) shall be deemed to be references to those schedules as amended by the Hazardous Substances (Dangerous Goods and Scheduled Toxic Substances) (Amendment) Transfer Notice 2004 (Gazette, 2004, No 128, p 3133).

Schedule 1
Amendments to Schedule 1 to the principal notice
Omit, for the substance "Soluble concentrate containing 500 g/litre benzalkonium chloride, 50 g/litre guazatine and 50 g/litre iodocarb", "6.9A" and insert "6.9B" after "6.7B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Soluble concentrate containing 500 g/litre benzalkonium chloride, 50 g/litre guazatine and 50 g/litre propiconazole", "6.9A" and insert "6.9B" after "6.7B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Emulsifiable concentrate containing 292 g/litre copper carbonate, 64 g/litre boric acid and 6.4 g/litre tebuconazole", "9.2D," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Emulsifiable concentrate containing 40 g/litre carbendazim and 50 g/litre chlorothalonil", "6.9A" and insert "6.9B" after "6.8A," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Soluble concentrate containing 80 g/litre carbendazim and 100 g/litre dodine", "6.1B," and "6.5A, 6.5B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Soluble concentrate containing 80 g/litre carbendazim and 100 g/litre dodine", "2" and insert "1, 3" in the column headed "Variation code(s)".
Insert, for the substance "Suspension concentrate containing 500 g/litre chlorothalonil", "(Substance A)" after "chlorothalonil", in the column headed "Substance".
Omit, for the substance "Emulsifiable concentrate containing 35 g/litre octhilinone and 75 g/litre oxine-copper", "8.2C," and insert "6.3A," after "6.1C," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Antifouling paint containing 195 g/litre cuprous oxide", "6.1D" and insert "6.1E" before ", 6.4A" in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".

Schedule 2
Amendments to Schedule 2 to the principal notice
Control - Hazardous Substances (Packaging) Regulations 2001 Changes to Controls
Regulation 19
Repeal "Soluble concentrate containing 80 g/litre carbendazim and 100 g/litre dodine" from the list of substances.