Notice Title

Bay-Waikato Fire Districts Notice, December 2004

Publication Date
23 Dec 2004


Fire Service Act Fire district notices

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Under section 26 of the Fire Service Act 1975, the
New Zealand Fire Service Commission gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. This notice is the Bay-Waikato Fire Districts Notice, December 2004.
2. This notice comes into force on the day of its publication in the New Zealand Gazette.
3. This notice revokes and is in substitution for all previous fire district notices for the districts listed in the Schedule.
Constitution of Fire Districts
1. The urban areas listed in the Schedule are constituted
as fire districts.
2. The boundaries of the fire districts as listed are defined and delineated on plans held at the National Headquarters, New Zealand Fire Service, Wellington.
Athenree Benneydale Cambridge
Cooks Beach Coromandel Edgecumbe
Hahei Hamilton Huntly
Kaingaroa Katikati Kawerau
Kawhia Maketu Mamaku
Mangakino Matamata Matata
Morrinsville Murupara Ngaruawahia
Ngatea Ngongotaha Ohope
Omokoroa Opotiki Otorohanga
Paeroa Papamoa Pauanui
Piopio Pukehina Putaruru
Raglan Rotorua Tahuna
Tairua Taneatua Tapu
Taupo Tauranga Te Aroha
Te Awamutu Te Kauwhata Te Kuiti
Te Puke Thames Tirau
Tokoroa Turangi Turua
Waihi Waihi Beach Whakatane
Whangamata Whitianga
Dated at Wellington this 14th day of December 2004.
MIKE HALL, Chief Executive, New Zealand Fire Service (acting under delegated authority from the New Zealand Fire Service Commission).
(Reference O10.12.04)