Pursuant to the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, notice is hereby given of the making of Regulations as under:
Authority for Enactment Title or Subject-matter Serial Number Date of Enactment Price Code Retail
Civil List Act 1979 Civil List Order 2003 2003/365 15/12/03 2-A $1.60
Student Loan Scheme Act 1992 Student Loan Scheme (Repayment Threshold) Regulations 2003 2003/366 15/12/03 2-A $1.60
Student Loan Scheme Act 1992 Student Loan Scheme (Income Amount for Full Interest Write-off) Regulations 2003 2003/367 15/12/03 2-A $1.60
Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1968 Diplomatic Privileges (OIV) Order 2003 2003/368 15/12/03 2-A $1.60
Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 Revocation of United Nations SanctionsOrder 2003 2003/369 15/12/03 3-BX $2.10
Tokelau Act 1948 Tokelau Coinage (Commemorative Coins) Regulations 2003 2003/370 15/12/03 7-BY $2.30
Medicines Act 1981 Medicines (Related Products (Exempted Foods)) Regulations 2003 2003/371 15/12/03 3-BX $2.10
Animal Welfare Act 1999 Animal Welfare (Codes of Welfare Extension) Order 2003 2003/372 15/12/03 2-A $1.60
New Zealand Horticulture Export Authority Act 1987 New Zealand Horticulture Export Authority (Kiwifruit for Export to Australia) Order 2003 2003/373 15/12/03 3-BX $2.10
Electricity Act 1992 Electricity Governance Regulations 2003 2003/374 15/12/03 76-E $9.00
Electricity Act 1992 Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003 2003/375 15/12/03 32-CY $3.95
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Amateur Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 3) 2003 2003/376 15/12/03 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Auckland and Kermadec Areas Amateur Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 3) 2003 2003/377 15/12/03 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Central Area Amateur Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2003 2003/378 15/12/03 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Infringement Offences) Amendment Regulations (No 3) 2003 2003/379 15/12/03 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Reporting) Amendment Regulations (No 3) 2003 2003/380 15/12/03 6-BY $2.30
Securities Markets Amendment Act 2002 Securities Markets Act CommencementOrder 2003 2003/381 15/12/03 2-A $1.60
Securities Markets Act 1988 Securities Markets (Disclosure of Relevant Interests by Directors and Officers)Regulations 2003 2003/382 15/12/03 12-CX $3.60
Securities Markets Act 1988 Securities Markets (Fees) Regulations 2003 2003/383 15/12/03 4-BX $2.10
Gambling Act 2003 Gambling Act Commencement Order 2003 2003/384 15/12/03 2-A $1.60
Resource Management Act 1991 Resource Management (Infringement Offences) Amendment Regulations 2003 2003/385 15/12/03 3-BX $2.10
Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act 2001 Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation (Earners' Levy and Earners' Account Residual Levy) Regulations 2003 2003/386 15/12/03 7-BY $2.30
Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act 2001 Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation (Motor Vehicle Levy and Motor Vehicle Account Residual Levy) Regulations (No 2) 2003 2003/387 15/12/03 7-BY $2.30
Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act 2001 Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation (Liability to Pay or Contribute to Cost of Treatment) Regulations 2003 2003/388 15/12/03 26-CY $3.95
Marine Reserves Act 1971 Marine Reserve (Auckland Islands-Motu Maha) Order 2003 2003/389 15/12/03 3-BX $2.10
Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989 Trade in Endangered Species Order 2003 2003/390 15/12/03 83-E $9.00
Local Electoral Act 2001 Local Electoral Amendment Regulations 2003 2003/391 15/12/03 39-D $5.35
Customs and Excise Act 1996 Customs and Excise Amendment Regulations 2003 2003/392 15/12/03 6-BY $2.30
Securities Act 1978 Securities Act (Williams & Kettle Limited) Exemption Notice 2003 2003/393 16/12/03 4-BX $2.10
Renumeration Authority Act 1977 Judicial Salaries and AllowancesDetermination 2003 2003/394 10/12/03 7-BY $2.30
Renumeration Authority Act 1977 Judicial Superannuation Determination(No 2) 2003 2003/395 10/12/03 4-BX $2.10
Securities Act 1978 Securities Act (The Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron Incorporated) Exemption Notice 2003 2003/396 16/12/03 4-BX $2.10
Securities Act 1978 Securities Act (Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited) Exemption Notice 2003 2003/397 16/12/03 6-BY $2.30
Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 Misuse of Drugs (Prohibition of Cannabis Utensils and Methamphetamine Utensils) Notice 2003 2003/398 16/12/03 6-BY $2.30
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