In the High Court of New Zealand, Auckland Registry
M. No. 160/1998
In the matter of section 62 of the Partnership Act 1908,
and in the matter of Lakeside Properties Limited and Company:
It is hereby certified, pursuant to section 62 of the Partnership Act 1908 ("the Act"), that Lakeside Properties Limited and Company, a Special Partnership formed pursuant to Part II of the Act and registered at the High
Court of New Zealand (Wellington Registry) on the 23rd
day of April 1998 under M. No. 160/1998, is dissolved as provided below:
1. Names, addresses and capital contributions of the General Partner and Special Partners:
General Partner Capital Contributions
Lakeside Properties Limited, Level Six, Westfield Tower, 45 Knights Road, Lower Hutt $Nil
Special Partners
The names, address and capital contributions of each Special Partner may be inspected at the High Court, 2 Molesworth Street, Wellington, or at the offices of Gibson Sheat, Lawyers, Level
One, 107 Customhouse Quay, Wellington, during normal business hours. The total amount of capital contributions received from Special Partners is $6,120,000.00
Total Capital $6,120,000.00
2. Partnership business:
To establish and carry on in New Zealand and elsewhere the business of commercial property ownership and to undertake or carry on any other activity or business ancillary or incidental thereto.
3. Principal place of business:
The registered office of the General Partner is Level Six, Westfield Tower, 45 Knights Road, Lower Hutt.
4. Term of the partnership:
The term of the partnership shall end on the date of registration of this certificate, pursuant to section
62 of the Act, namely the 3rd day of December 2002.
Dated this 3rd day of December 2002.
Signed by Lakeside Properties Limited by two of its directors:
Signed for and on behalf of each of the Special Partners
by their duly authorised attorney, TOWER Trust Limited (formerly called The Trustees Executors and Agency Company of New Zealand Limited) under its Common Seal in the presence of:
Witness to signatures:
NANCY YOUNG, Secretary, Wellington.
Acknowledged by all the above signatories before:
RAEWYN M. MANSELL, Justice of the Peace.