Notice Type
Meetings/Last Dates for Debts & Claims
Notice Title

CMG Insurance Company (N.Z.) Limited

(in liquidation)
Notice to Creditors to Make Claims
In the matter of the Companies Act 1993, and in the matter of CMG Insurance Company (N.Z.) Limited:
Kerryn M. Downey and Alan Raymond Isaac, the liquidators of CMG Insurance Company (N.Z.) Limited
(in liquidation) ("the company"), which is being liquidated, do hereby fix the 22nd day of August 2003, as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to make their claims in the company's liquidation and to establish any priority their claims may have under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993.
If a creditor of the company does not make its claim on or before the 22nd day of August 2003, the liquidators may exclude the creditor from the benefit of any distribution of the company before the creditor has made its claim.
If a creditor of the company fails to establish any priority that its claim may have on or before the 22nd day of August 2003, the creditor may be excluded from objecting to any distribution made before the creditor established the priority of its claim.
Dated at Auckland this 9th day of July 2003.
KERRYN M. DOWNEY, Joint Liquidator.
Address of Liquidator: Care of KPMG, Tenth Floor,
9 Princes Street, Auckland 1. Telephone: (09) 367 5800. Facsimile: (09) 367 5875.