Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

I hereby give notice of an application lodged with me, pursuant to section 19 of the Land Transfer Act 1952, for the issue of a Computer Register to the applicants named below. Such Register may be issued unless caveat forbidding the issue of that Register is lodged with me on or before the 12th day of December 2003.
Application No.: 5627700.1.
Applicants: Murray James Kite, Robert Ernest James Kite and Martin Roger Doole.
Land: An estate in fee simple in 33 square metres, more or less, being that strip of land being part Suburban Section 5, Town of Napier, between the northern boundary of the land in certificate of title Volume HB35, folio 75 (part Lot 3, Deeds Plan 155 and limited as to parcels) and the southern boundary of Hospital Terrace as defined on Deposited Plan 6662. The application land is also part of Lot 1 on a plan lodged for deposit under number 28888 (Hawke's Bay Land Registry).
Dated at the Wellington Office of Land Information New Zealand this 29th day of October 2003.
WARREN MOYES, for Registrar-General of Land.