Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

Notice is hereby given that a certificate of title will be issued in the names of the applicants for the parcel of land hereinafter described, pursuant to section 20 of the Land Transfer Act 1952, unless a caveat is lodged forbidding the same before the 22nd day of May 2003.
Application No.: 5495379.3.
Applicants: Robin John Dobree Bayley, Bruce Ellett Page and Christopher Belfour Bayley.
Land: Lot 4 on a plan lodged for deposit L.T. 307839, being part of the land in certificate of title SA24D/7 and which comprises parts of Mangatutu Stream.
Dated at the Hamilton Office of Land Information
New Zealand this 11th day of April 2003.
R. W. MUIR, Registrar-General of Land.