Notice Title

Land Declared No Longer Required for

Education Purposes
Pursuant to section 5A of the Education Lands Act 1949, and pursuant to an authority delegated to me, I, Paul Dickson Burke, Group Manager Property, Ministry of Education Wellington, hereby give the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. The land described in the Schedule to this notice is no longer required for education purposes.
2. This notice shall come into force on 18 December 2003.
Area ha Description
1.9797 More or less, being part Lot 1, Deposited Plan 60398, being all of the land contained in Computer Register CB35B/795, Canterbury Land Registration District.
1.8286 More or less, being Section 7A, Block X, Mangakahia Survey District, North Auckland Land Registration District (New Zealand Gazette, 23 October 1913, No. 79, page 3213).
1.1837 More or less, being Section 44, Block X, Mangakahia Survey District, North Auckland Land Registration District (New Zealand Gazette, 7 May 1942, No. 47, page 1364).
0.0969 More or less, being Section 232, Town of Waihi, South Auckland Land Registration District (New Zealand Gazette, 9 November 1961, No. 71, page 1721).
0.1889 More or less, being Section 242, Town of Waihi South, South Auckland Land Registration District (part New Zealand Gazette, 27 March 1969, No. 17, page 566).
0.1012 More or less, being Section 528A, Town of Waihi, South Auckland Land Registration District (New Zealand Gazette, 17 December 1970, No. 82, page 2472).
0.1358 More or less, being Section 1, S.O. Plan 36722, Wellington Land Registration District (part New Zealand Gazette, 26 February 1987, No. 27, page 961).
0.5060 More or less, being Sections 20, 25, 26, 27 and 28, Block II, Town of Hyde, Otago Land Registration District (part New Zealand Gazette, 13 December 1883, No. 130, page 1744).
0.6070 More or less, being Sections 5-7 and Sections 22-24, Block II, Town of Hyde, being all ofthe land contained in Computer Register OT28/69, Otago Land Registration District.
0.2024 More or less, being Sections 3 and 4, Block II, Town of Hyde, Otago Land Registration District (New Zealand Gazette, 5 November 1959, No. 68, page 1584).
1.4645 More or less, being part Oruawharo, A6 Block, being balance of the land contained in Computer Register NA1010/281, North Auckland Land Registration District.
1.9627 More or less, being Section 34, Block XI, Waipoua Survey District, North Auckland Land Registration District (New Zealand Gazette, 10 April 1924, No. 22, page 872).
0.8245 More or less, being part Section 29, Block XI, Waipoua Survey District, North Auckland Land Registration District (New Zealand Gazette, 16 July 1959, No. 43, page 948).
0.0212 More or less, being Section 32, Waipoua Survey District, North Auckland Land Registration District (New Zealand Gazette, 17 September 1953, No. 52, page 1515).
0.0908 More or less, being Lot 3, D.P. 34919, being all of the land contained in Computer Register 21403, Wellington Land Registration District.
0.3240 More or less, being Lot 4, D.P. 34919, being balance of the land contained in Computer Register WN17/286, Wellington Land Registration District.
1.4645 More or less, being part Oruawharo, Part 6A Block, being balance of the land contained in Computer Register NA1010/281, North Auckland Land Registration District.
0.9105 More or less, being part Section 25, Rangitikei District, being all of the land contained in Computer Register 111346, Wellington Land Registration District.
0.3027 More or less, being Lot 255, Lot 257 and part Lot 253, D.P. 1, being all of the land contained in Computer Register CB34D/412, Canterbury Land Registration District.
0.0504 More or less, being Lot 2, D.P. 60398, beingall of the land contained in Computer Register CB35B/796, Canterbury Land Registration District.
0.1515 More or less, being Section 604, Town of Waimate, being all of the land contained in Computer Register CB34D/411, Canterbury Land Registration District.
56.4700 More or less, being Rural Section 40786 and Rural Section 40787, being all of the land contained in Computer Register CB34D/410, Canterbury Land Registration District.
4.7736 More or less, being Allotment 34, Allotment 93, Allotment 99, part Allotment 67 and part Allotment 94, suburbs of Grahamtown, Lot 31, D.P. 37759, part Lot 2, D.P. 24314, Lot 4, D.P. 47645, Section 1, S.O. Plan 56512 and part Lot 44, D.P. 61632, being all of the land contained in Computer Register NA86D/977, North Auckland Land Registration District.
0.8094 More or less, being Lot 1, D.P. 501, being all of the land contained in Computer Register HBC2/66, Hawkes Bay Land Registration District.
0.0903 More or less, being Lot 13, Deeds Plan 134, Otago Land Registration District, being the land described firstly in the Schedule of New Zealand Gazette, 20 February 1986, No. 23, page 774.
0.0610 More or less, being Lot 14, Deeds Plan 326, Otago Land Registration District, being the land secondly described in the Schedule of New Zealand Gazette, 20 February 1986, No. 23, page 774.
1.2141 More or less, being the land on D.P. 11816, being all of the land in Computer Register SA270/186, South Auckland Land Registration District.
0.0720 More or less, being Lot 16, D.P. 37173, being all of the land formerly held in Computer Register CB16B/1189, Canterbury Land Registration District.
0.0717 More or less, being Lot 2, D.P. 37173, beingpart of the land held in New Zealand Gazette,30 August 1979, No. 82, page 2576, Canterbury Land Registration District.
0.0890 More or less, being part Proclamation 11P; marked "A" on S.O. Plan 8676 and being allof the land contained in New Zealand Gazette,24 October 1974, No. 106, page 2437, Southland Land Registration District.
1.5529 More or less, being section 3A, Block XIV, Pakaumanu Survey District, South Auckland Land Registration District, and being the secondly described portion of land contained in New Zealand Gazette, 9 October 1919, No. 122, page 3113.
0.1518 More or less, being Lot 1, D.P. 4407, being all of the land held in Computer Register TN108/101, Taranaki Land Registration District.
0.4047 More or less, being Reserve 1796, all Computer Register 78315, Westland Land Registration District.
0.8496 More or less, being Lot 1, D.P. 316937, all Computer Register 66452, South Auckland Land Registration District.
0.2125 More or less, being part Lot 1, D.P. 63213; shown as "Section 3" on S.O. Plan 326443, North Auckland Land Registration District.
0.1115 More or less, being part Lot 1, D.P. 63213; shown as "Section 4" on S.O. Plan 326443, North Auckland Land Registration District.
Dated at Wellington this 17th day of December 2003.
P. D. BURKE, Group Manager Property, Ministry of Education.