Notice Title

Declaring Specially Protected Area

Publication Date
16 Oct 2003


Conservation Act Land notices

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Principal Edition, 16 October 2003.
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See page 4033
Under the Conservation Act 1987, the Conservator for the Otago Conservancy of the Department of Conservation declares the land described in the Schedule to be held for the purpose of a conservation park to be known as Te Papanui Conservation Park.
Otago Land District-Clutha, Central Otago Districts and Dunedin City
2853.0500 hectares, being Sections 1-10 (inclusive),
S.O. 22378 and Section 6, S.O. 23526. All Gazette Notice 5524166.1.
1307.0000 hectares, being Sections 1-5 (inclusive),
S.O. 24154. All certificate of title OT18C/1151.
3518.0421 hectares, being part Run 526, situated in Blocks VI, VII, VIII, IX and X, Hedgehope Survey District, Sections 1 and 2, S.O. 24153. All Gazette Notice 906404/3.
927.0000 hectares, being Sections 1 and 2, S.O. 24151. All Gazette Notice 947470.
11985.9000 hectares, being Sections 1-8 (inclusive),
S.O. 301753. All Computer Register 59462.
Dated at Dunedin this 23rd day of September 2003.
J. E. CONNELL, Conservator.
(DOC Ref: PAA 13 02 42)