Notice Title

Declaring Land to be Held for Conservation Purposes and Declaration That the Area

Publication Date
9 Oct 2003


Conservation Act Land notices

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Principal Edition, 9 October 2003.
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See page 3983
Become a Reserve
Under the Conservation Act 1987, the Conservator for the Otago Conservancy of the Department of Conservation declares that the land described in the Schedule is held for conservation purposes and the Conservator further declares that the conservation area be set apart as a reserve subject
to the Reserves Act 1977 and classified as a Government purpose (office accommodation, field base and information centre) reserve, subject to the provisions of the latter Act.
Otago Land District-Clutha District
1.0405 hectares, being Section 132, Block VIII, Glenomaru Survey District, Lots 6, 9, 11 and 15, Block III, Deeds Plan 241, part Lot 1, Block III, Deeds Plan 241 (marked "A" on S.O. Plan 18664), and part Lot 3, Block III, Deeds Plan 241 (marked "A" on S.O. 17954). All Gazette Notices 421885, 434160, 429533, 485747, and parts Proclamation 219073 and transfer 304537.
Dated at Dunedin this 4th day of September 2003.
(File: DOC FMA 01-04-13-05)