Pursuant to section 12 of the New Zealand Geographic Board Act 1946, notice is hereby given of the intention of the
New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa to assign the altered or new names stated in the first column of the Schedule below, to the respective places described in the second column of the said Schedule.
Objection to the proposed names may be given in writing, setting out the grounds for objection, to the Secretary of the
New Zealand Geographic Board, care of Land Information New Zealand, Private Box 5501, Wellington, within a period of three months from the date of the New Zealand Gazette containing this notice.
North Auckland Land District
Kuakarau Bay Bay along the south-west coast of Waiheke Island, Topographic Map 260-S11 Waiheke, GR 2693500E 6484500N. Spelling correction from Kauakarau Bay.
Tanerore Cove Bay along the south-west coast of Waiheke Island, within Te Akau o Hine (q.v.), and between Hitapa Bay and Kuakarau Bay (q.v.), Topographic Map 260-S11 Waiheke, GR 2693100E 6484800N. Not named on current map/chart.
Te Akau o Hine Small bay along the south-west coast of Waiheke Island, within the proposed Tanerore Cove, Topographic Map 260-S11 Waiheke, GR 2693950E 6484800N. Not named on current map/chart.
Wellington Land District
Te Wharepouri Mark Historic place along the Wairarapa coast, 5km north of Castlepoint, Topographic Map 260-U25 and U26 Pongaroa and Castlepoint, GR 2783200E 6033500N. Spelling correction from Waipori's Mark.
Nelson Land District
Anarewa Point Coastal point between Tapu Bay and Stephens Bay, 1km south of Kaiteriteri, Tasman Bay, Topographic Map 260-N26 Takaka, GR 2511500E 6017300N. Spelling correction from Anawera Point.
Anarewa Stream Small stream flowing into Stephens Bay, 1km south of Kaiteriteri, Tasman Bay, Topographic Map 260-N26 Takaka, GR 2511300E 6017700N. Not named on current map/chart.
Dellavedova Creek Stream flowing west into the Buller River, 3km east of Inangahua, Topographic Map
260-L29 Inangahua, GR 2426000E 5927600N. Spelling correction from Dela Vedova Creek.
Topffer Creek Stream flowing generally north-westerly into Boatmans Creek, 8km north-east of Reefton, Topographic Map 260-L30 Reefton, GR 2424000E 5902000N. Spelling correction from Topfer Creek.
Marlborough Land District
Stace Saddle Saddle at height 1045m, between Mount Stace and Surveyor Spur (q.v.), in the Seaward Kaikoura Range, Topographic Map 260-O31 Kaikoura, GR 2564400E 5884200N. Not named on current map/chart.
Surveyor Peak Mountain at height 2365m, in the Seaward Kaikoura Range, Topographic Map 260-O31 Kaikoura, GR 2564400E 5887700N. Not named on current map/chart.
Surveyor Spur Ridge spur rising northerly from Stace Saddle (q.v.), in the Seaward Kaikoura Range, Topographic Map 260-O31 Kaikoura, from GR 2564400E 5884200N to GR 2563800E 5886900N. Not named on current map/chart.
Canterbury Land District
Lilburne River River flowing from the Puketeraki Range generally southerly into the Ashley River/
Rakahuri, Topographic Map 260-L33 Dampier and L34 Puketeraki, from GR 2439400E 5801000N to GR 2442800E 5792200N. Spelling correction from Lillburn River.
Lilburne Hill Mountain at height 1405m, between the Puketeraki Range and the Pancake Range and near the headwaters of the Ashley River/Rakahuri, Topographic Map 260-L34 Puketeraki, GR 2441400E 5796700N. Spelling correction from Lillburn Hill.
Pegasus Bay Locality between Woodend and Waikuku Beach, east of State Highway No. 1, Topographic Map 260-M35 Christchurch, GR 2485500E 5766000N. Not named on current map/chart.
Westland Land District
Karnbach Ridge running south-west from Mount Ashmore, 10km east of Harihari, Topographic Map 260-I34 Harihari, GR 2321300E 5782000N. Spelling correction from Karnback.
Lake Roto Te Koeti Lake below West Peak and East Peak, 4km north-east of Makawhio River (Jacobs River), Topographic Map 260-F36 and G36 Paringa, GR 2249000E 5724700N. Spelling correction from Lake Rototekoiti.
Otago Land District
McBride Peaks Several peaks forming a line running south-east from a peak at height 2076m to a peak at height 2009m, Topographic Map 260-E39 Aspiring, from GR 2137700E 5621800N to GR 2138400E 5620200N. Spelling correction from Bride Peaks.
McBride Burn Stream flowing generally south-easterly into the Dart River/Te Awa Whakatipu, from a small mountain tarn located south-west of McBride Peaks (q.v.), Topographic Maps
260-E39 Aspiring and 260-E40 Earnslaw, from GR 2137300E 5620200N to GR 2140100E 5615000N. Spelling correction from Bride Burn.
Owens Creek Stream flowing generally northerly into the Kawarau River, from Ben Cruachan, Topographic Map 260-F41 Arrowtown, from GR 2183600E 5565600N to GR 2182500E 5570100N. Spelling correction from Owen Creek.
Southland Land District
Antipodes Island Group - Topographic Map NZMS 272/4, Hydrographic Chart NZ 3111
Archway Island Island off the northern tip of Bollons Island, 49 38'4"S Latitude, 178 49'00"E Longitude. Not named on current map/chart.
Conical Hill Isolated hill at height 135m, at the northern edge of the North Plains, on Antipodes Island, 49 40'35"S Latitude, 178 48'00"E Longitude. Not named on current map/chart.
Mirounga Bay Wide bay on the north-west coast of Antipodes Island, east of Orde Lees Islet, 49 40'45"S Latitude, 178 46'25"E Longitude. Not named on current map/chart.
Mount Galloway Highest peak on Antipodes Island, at height 366m, immediately south of the North Plains, 49 41'30"S Latitude, 178 47'02"E Longitude. Shown on current map/chart.
Windward Islands Group of islands comprising West Windward Island and East Windward Island, off the north-west coast of Antipodes Island, 49 40'50"S Latitude, 178 43'45"E Longitude. Shown on current map/chart.
Bounty Islands - Topographic Map NZMS 272/1 and 5, Hydrographic Chart NZ 3111
Blackfish Shoal An underwater reef between Ranfurly and Lion Islands in the Main Group, 47 45'00"S Latitude, 179 02'25"E Longitude. Shown on current chart but not map.
Bounty Islands Group of islands in three clusters, called Main Group (q.v.), Centre Group (q.v.) and East Group (q.v.), 47 45'25"S Latitude, 179 02'50"E Longitude. Shown on current map/chart.
Bucket Cove Channel between Proclamation and Tunnel Islands, Main Group, 47 44'55"S Latitude, 179 02'05"E Longitude. Not named on current map/chart.
Centre Group Group of islands comprising Funnel, Prion, Castle and Coronet (q.v.) Islands, being the middle cluster of the Bounty Islands (q.v.), 47 45'45"S Latitude, 179 02'4"E Longitude. Shown on current map/chart.
Con Island Rock south-west of North Rock, East Group (q.v.), 47 45'45"S Latitude, 179 04'05"E Longitude. Not named on current map/chart.
Coronet Island Island west of Prion Island, Centre Group (q.v.), 47 45'45"S Latitude, 179 02'35"E Longitude. Not named on current map/chart.
Dog Rock Islet between Penguin and Ruatara Islands, Main Group (q.v.), 47 45'05"S Latitude, 179 01'45"E Longitude. Not named on current map/chart.
East Group Group of islands comprising Con Island (q.v.), North Rock and Molly Cap, being the eastern-most cluster of the Bounty Islands (q.v.), 47 45'50"S Latitude, 179 04'05"E Longitude. Shown on current map/chart.
Main Group Group of islands comprising Spider, Proclamation, Depot, Penguin, Ruatara, Tunnel, Ranfurly and Lion Islands and Skua, Seal (q.v.) and Dog (q.v.) Rocks, being the western-most cluster of the Bounty Islands (q.v.), 47 44'50"S Latitude, 179 02'00"E Longitude. Shown on current map/chart.
Seal Rock Islet south-east of Spider Island, Main Group (q.v.), 47 44'45"S Latitude, 179 01'45"E Longitude. Not named on current map/chart.
Dated at Wellington this 26th day of June 2003.
W. K. SHAW, Secretary, New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.