Notice Title

Order of the Nursing Council in Disciplinary Session in Respect of Erwin Vincent Jamiro Cuevas, Registered Comprehensive Nurse

Publication Date
18 Dec 2003


Nurses Act Disciplinary orders

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Principal Edition, 18 December 2003.
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After due inquiry and in exercise of its powers under
sections 42 (1) (b), 42 (2) (a), 42 (3), 42 (9) and 48A of the
Nurses Act 1977, the Nursing Council of New Zealand
("the council"), in a decision dated 24 February 2003, ordered that the name of Erwin Vincent Jamiro Cuevas be removed from the Register of Comprehensive Nurses.
It also ordered that Erwin Vincent Jamiro Cuevas may apply for reinstatement after two years.
The council furthermore ordered that the nurse pay $9,900.00 (being 50%) towards the actual costs and expenses of
and incidental to the investigation and prosecution by
the preliminary proceedings committee and inquiry by the council, and ordered that a notice stating the effect of these orders be published in the New Zealand Gazette, Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand, the council's newsletter and
be provided to accredited members of the press with suppression of the name of the complainant and identifying details of the institution.
MARION CLARK, Registrar.