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Notice Title

Notice of Ministerial Approval-Amendment No. 1 to the Approved Code of Practice for Passenger Ropeways in New Zealand, 1998 Edition

Pursuant to section 20 of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, I, Margaret Wilson, Minister of Labour, hereby approve an amendment to the Approved Code of Practice for Passenger Ropeways in New Zealand.
The amendment is as follows:
Remove existing clause and replace it with the following:
" Controllers of passenger ropeways shall ensure that:
(a) every operational aerial ropeway has a valid certificate of inspection;
(b) every surface ropeway of the overhead travelling wire type (which includes Platter and T-Bar ropeways) has a valid certificate of inspection;
(c) every hand held surface ropeway is inspected at least annually and issued with a detailed report of inspection, the inspection being undertaken by a competent person who has not carried out the ropeway's design, installation or maintenance;
(d) all passenger ropeways are operated safely and within their design limits;
(e) all safety devices are in working condition, every time a passenger ropeway is in operation;
(f) where passenger ropeway operation is covered by the controller's quality management system, the operation is in accordance with that quality management system;
(g) where passenger ropeway operation is not covered by a quality management system, the operation is in accordance with relevant operating manuals/procedures and generally accepted good industry practice; and
(h) all operating procedures relating to passenger ropeways are kept under regular review, improved and updated whenever possible, and implemented by competent persons."
Dated at Wellington this 18th day of December 2002.