Notice Title

Alternative Constitution for John Paul II High School (304) and St Patrick's Primary

School (3538), Greymouth
Pursuant to section 105A of the Education Act 1989,
I hereby give the following notice:
I hereby approve the following alternative constitution for the combined board of John Paul II High School and
St Patrick's Primary School, Greymouth, under section 105A of the Education Act 1989 ("the Act"):
? six parent representatives (three from each school);
? the principal from each school;
? two staff representatives (one from each school);
? one student representative (from John Paul II High School); and
? four proprietor's representatives.
Parent Representatives
1. The parent representatives will be elected in accordance with section 96 (3) of the Act.
2. Each candidate shall be nominated in respect of each school the combined board will administer.
3. The three highest polling candidates nominated in respect of each school shall become a trustee, regardless of the votes cast for the other candidates.
Casual Vacancies
1. Casual vacancies for all trustees will arise in accordance with section 104 of the Act, and be filled in
accordance with section 105 of the Act.
2. Elections required under this notice or under the Act will be carried out under the Education (School Trustee Elections) Regulations 2000. For the first election, a returning officer will be appointed by a joint decision of the current boards and will carry out the duties in accordance with the Regulations.
General Applications
All other sections or any Schedules of the Act relating to school boards of trustees will apply to the combined board.
Dated at Wellington this 19th day of December 2002.
TREVOR MALLARD, Minister of Education.