Notice Title

Notice of Entry into Possession of

Mortgaged Property
In the matter of section 104DD of the Property Law Act 1952, and in the matter of memorandum of mortgage D. 677208.3 (North Auckland Registry), from Te Inu Noreen Elia and Ihaka Harold Kirkwood (mortgagors) to Bridgecorp Residential Limited (mortgagee):
Notice is given that on the 24th day of November 2003, Bridgecorp Residential Limited, the mortgagee, under memorandum of mortgage D. 677208.3, entered into possession of the mortgaged property described below:
The Address of the Mortgagee is: 36 Kitchener Street, Auckland (telephone (09) 307 4279).
The Description of the Mortgaged Property is: 6 Laurie Avenue, Papakura, being all the property contained in certificate of title NA1106/265, North Auckland Registry.
Dated this 25th day of November 2003.
Bridgecorp Residential Limited, by its solicitors and duly authorised agent Glaister Ennor, per: