Notice Title

Order for Appointment of Manager

Publication Date
20 Nov 2003


Public Trust Act Appointment of manager

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Principal Edition, 20 November 2003.
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Pursuant to Sections 99 and 100 of the Public Trust
Act 2001
In the High Court of New Zealand, Tauranga Registry
In the matter of the Public Trust Act 2001, between Public Trust, a Crown entity established pursuant to the
Public Trust Act 2001-Applicant:
And-Lindsay John Duff, of 72 Ridge Road, Tauranga-Respondent:
Before the Right Honourable Elias, Chief Justice, on the 22nd day of October 2003:
Upon reading the application of the Public Trust for an order appointing the Public Trust as manager of all the real and personal property belonging to Lindsay John Duff and the affidavits of Kerry Elizabeth Tuck, Yvonne Florence Beck and Trevor Ernest Brown and upon the application of Peter John Cassidy on behalf
of the Public Trust, this Court orders the Public Trust is appointed as manager of all real and personal property belonging to Lindsay John Duff, of 72 Ridge Road, Tauranga, pursuant to sections 99 and 100 of the Public Trust Act 2001.
Dated this 23rd day of October 2003.
A. M. MATTOCK, (Deputy) Registrar.