Notice Type
Notice Title

Smith and Burns Limited (in liquidation)

Notice of Intention to Remove the Above-named Company From the Register
Pursuant to Section 321 of the Companies Act 1993
To: Shareholders and creditors.
On the 1st day of August 2003, a notice was given of an intention to remove Smith and Burns Limited from the
New Zealand Register.
Any person may deliver to the Registrar, not later than the 1st day of September 2003 (not less than 20 working days after the date of the notice), an objection to the removal on any one or more of the following grounds:
(a) That the company is still carrying on business or there are other reasons for it to continue in existence; or
(b) that the company is party to legal proceedings; or
(c) that the company is in receivership, or liquidation or both; or
(d) that the person is a creditor, or shareholder, or a person who has an undischarged claim against the company; or
(e) that the person believes that there exists and intends to pursue a right of action on behalf of the company under Part IX of the Act; or
(f) that for any other reason, it would not be just and equitable to remove the company from the
New Zealand Register.
E. J. TAYLOR, Liquidator.