Notice Type
Notice Title

Nautica (Australasia) Limited

Notice of Intention to Apply for Removal of the
Above-named Company From the Register
Pursuant to Section 320 of the Companies Act 1993
Notice is hereby given that David Lewis, director of the above-named company, proposes to apply to the Registrar of Companies at Auckland, pursuant to section 318 (1) (d)
of the Companies Act 1993, for the removal from the Register of the company.
The grounds are that the company has ceased to carry on business, the company has no surplus assets after paying its debts in full, and no creditor has applied to the Court, under section 241 of the Companies Act 1993, for an order putting the company into liquidation.
Unless written objection to the company's removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Act, is sent or delivered to the Registrar of Companies within 20 working days of this notice, the Registrar may remove the company from the Register.
DAVID LEWIS, Director.