From 1 July 2017, all applications and approvals for tariff concessions can be found on the New Zealand Customs Service website.

Amendments and withdrawals are published in the Gazette. These notices can be found under the Tariff Act.

Notice Title

Tariff Act 1988


I, Vincent Anthony Manks, Executive Officer, Ministry of Economic Development, acting pursuant to section 8 of the Tariff Act 1988 under delegated authority hereby:
(a) In accordance with Part II of the Tariff approve in respect of the entry of goods listed in the First Schedule to this notice the rates of duty or exemptions from duty specified in that Schedule with effect from the first day of the month so specified; and
(b) In accordance with Part II of the Tariff approve in respect of the entry of goods listed in the Second Schedule to this notice the exemptions from duty specified in that Schedule with effect from the first day of the month so specified subject however to such purposes and conditions which I prescribe
(c) Decline to approve in respect of the goods listed in the Fourth Schedule to this notice concessions for which application was made.

Concessions Approved
Tariff Rates of Duty II Ref. Effective
Item Description of Goods Normal Pref. Ref. No. From To

A 9404.90.00 Infants waterproof mattress protectors Free Free 99 999671A 6/03 ..
A 9503.60 Puzzles other than jigsaw type puzzles Free Free 99 999676B 6/03 ..
X 9603.90.19 Rotary wire brushes peculiar to use in making footwear Free Free 99 115568H 1/88 ..

Concession Approvals Subject to Prescribed Purposes and Conditions
Tariff Rates of Duty II Ref. Effective
Item Description of Goods Normal Pref. Ref. No. From To

IM 7010.90.25 375ml flask - 700,000 units Free Free 99 999672K 6/03 2/04
X 7010.90.25 Jar 400ml SR - 1,164,240 units Free Free 99 999322D 1/03 12/03
IM 7010.90.38 314ml jar - 500,000 units Free Free 99 999673H 6/03 5/04
CE 8456.10.19 Tapware printing machine, with integrated laser etching, printing and Free Free 99 999700J 6/03 9/03
curing capabilities

Applications for Concessions Declined
Tariff Ref.
Item Description of Goods No.

2309.90.19 Pig feed supplement, viz: Lienert sow vitamin mineral mix; grower/finisher 999674F
mineral mix; weaner vitamin mineral mix
4016.99.91 Precured tyre tread 999675D
8479.89.00 Oxygenation equipment of a type used in the wine industry 999677L

Category of Approval: A - General Approval
CE - Capital Equipment
GT - Goods in Transit
IM - Inputs to Manufacturing - Inability to Supply
MS - Manufacturers' Samples
RUC - Revocation of Unused Concession
S - Shortfall
SS - Special Situation
V - Variation of Existing Concession
X - Administrative Amendment

The concessions approved subject to prescribed purposes and conditions as listed in the Second Schedule to this notice and declined applications for concessions as listed in the Fourth Schedule to this notice will not be published in the Consolidated List of Approvals.

Dated at Wellington this 14th day of August 2003. V.A. MANKS, Ministry of Economic Development.