Notice Title

Notice of Exemption From Maritime Rules Part 80

Publication Date
27 Nov 2003


Maritime Transport Act Exemptions from maritime rules

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Principal Edition, 27 November 2003.
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See page 4482
Pursuant to section 47 of the Maritime Transport Act 1994, Shotover Jet Limited and Dart River Safaris are exempt from Rules 80.6 (1) (a) and (2) (b) of Maritime Rule Part 80, in respect of the need for a Safe Operational Plan to operate on the Aparima and Pourakino rivers, from 29 November 2003 to the close of 30 November 2003.
1. A copy of this exemption must be held as close as practicable to the vessels being used.
2. This exemption does not affect the need to obtain
any other authorisations from other agencies of the
New Zealand Government, or from other competent authorities.
3. That at least one hour's familiarisation is to be undertaken by all drivers in all the intended operating areas on the Aparima and Pourakino rivers.
4. That the actions and intentions listed in the application for exemption, dated 17 November 2003, be strictly adhered to.
5. Failure to comply with the above conditions will result in the immediate suspension of the exemption.
Dated at Wellington this 21st day of November 2003.
BRUCE MAROC, Deputy Director, Standards and Compliance, Maritime Safety Authority.