Pursuant to section 52 of the Transport Act 1962 and pursuant to an authority sub-delegated to me by the Land Transport Safety Authority of New Zealand dated 9 June 1997, I, Peter Graeme Croft, Manager, Safer Roads, give the following notice. N o t i c e 1. This notice may be cited as the Traffic (Ashburton District) Notice No. 2, 2003. 2. The area specified in the Schedule is declared to be a closely populated locality for the purposes of section 52 of the Transport Act 1962. Schedule Situated within the Ashburton District at Lake Hood: All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point on the southern side of Huntingden Avenue 700 metres measured easterly, generally, along Huntingden Avenue from Stranges Road; thence across Huntingden Avenue at right angles from its southern side to its northern side; thence due north for 110 metres; thence due east for 190 metres; thence due south for 170 metres; thence due west to a point due south of the commencing point; thence due north to the commencing point. Signed at Wellington this 6th day of May 2003. P. G. CROFT, Manager, Safer Roads. (RT01/3/54)