Notice Title

Resignation of Ministers

Her Excellency The Governor-General has been pleased to accept the resignations of:
The Right Honourable Helen Elizabeth Clark, from the Offices of Prime Minister, and Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage;
The Honourable James Patrick Anderton, from the Offices of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Economic Development, and Minister for Industry and Regional Development;
The Honourable Dr Michael John Cullen, from the Offices of Treasurer, Minister of Finance, and Minister of Revenue;
The Honourable Steven Maharey, from the Office of Minister of Social Services and Employment;
The Honourable Philip Bruce Goff, from the Offices of Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Minister
of Justice;
The Honourable Annette Faye King, from the Offices of Minister of Health, Minister for Food Safety, and Minister for Racing;
The Honourable Sandra Rose Te Hakamatua Lee, from the Offices of Minister of Conservation, and Minister of Local Government;
The Honourable James Robert Sutton, from the Offices of Minister of Agriculture, Minister for Biosecurity, and Minister for Trade Negotiations;
The Honourable Trevor Colin Mallard, from the Offices of Minister of Education, Minister of State Services, and Minister for Sport, Fitness and Leisure;
The Honourable Peter Colin Hodgson, from the Offices of Minister of Energy, Minister of Fisheries, Minister of Forestry, Minister of Research, Science and Technology, and Minister for Crown Research Institutes;
The Honourable Margaret Anne Wilson, from the Offices of Attorney-General, Minister of Labour, and Minister in Charge of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations;
The Honourable Parekura Tureia Horomia, from the Office of Minister of Maori Affairs;
The Honourable Matthew Peter Robson, from the Offices of Minister of Corrections, Minister for Courts, Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control, and Minister for Land Information;
The Honourable Lianne Audrey Dalziel, from the Offices of Minister for ACC, Minister of Immigration, and Minister for Senior Citizens;
The Honourable George Warren Hawkins, from the Offices of Minister of Police, Minister of Internal Affairs, and Minister of Civil Defence;
The Honourable Richard Mark Burton, from the Offices of Minister of Defence, Minister for State-Owned Enterprises, Minister of Tourism, and Minister of Veterans' Affairs;
The Honourable Paul Desmond Swain, from the
Offices of Minister of Commerce, Minister of Communications, and Minister for Information Technology;
The Honourable Marian Leslie Hobbs, from the Offices of Minister for the Environment, and Minister of Broadcasting;
The Honourable Mark James Gosche, from the Offices of Minister of Transport, Minister of Housing, and Minister of Pacific Island Affairs;
The Honourable Laila Jane Harré, from the Offices of Minister of Women's Affairs, Minister of Youth Affairs, and Minister of Statistics;
The Honourable Judith Ngaire Tizard, from the Office of Minister of State;
The Honourable Ruth Suzanne Dyson, from the Office of Minister of State; and
The Honourable Tariana Turia, from the Office of Minister of State.
Dated at Wellington this 15th day of August 2002.
By Command:
MARIE SHROFF, Clerk of the Executive Council.