Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

I hereby give notice of my intention to issue new or provisional instruments of title in place of those declared lost and described in the Schedule below upon the expiration of 14 days from the date of this publication.
(Certificate of title reference unless otherwise stated; registered proprietor's name; application number.)
1. 60A/969; Paula Raeburn; D. 699851.
2. Lease B. 561512.2; Paula Raeburn; D. 699851.
3. Lease 312000.6; Margaret Isabel Wishart, Guy Stephen Wishart and Michelle Gay Wishart; D. 700054.
4. 128B/846; Jiang Man and Wenji Wang; D. 700081.
5. 55D/130; James Albert Revill and Joan Philomena Revill; D. 700126.
6. 50A/1132; Angela Moana Curtis; D. 700311.
7. Lease 997963.6; Angela Moana Curtis; D. 700311.
8. Lease 274235.1; Bhaniben Madhav Patel, Nanubhai Dullabh Patel and Chhiutubhai Naranbhai; D. 700472.
9. Lease A. 624165; Brian Stephen Spain; D. 700791.
10. Lease A. 547039.2; Janice Mary Chase; D. 700936.
11. 94C/553; Brian Edward Turville Lord and Lynn Lord; D. 701139.
12. 18B/503; Mary Marara Toi; D. 701139.
Dated at the Auckland Land Information New Zealand
Office this 23rd day of April 2002.
CAROLE WILLIAMS, for Registrar-General of Land.