Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Prohibition of Vehicular Access Other Than by Permit to Whitiau Scientific Reserve

Pursuant to section 21 (2) (b) of the Reserves Act 1977,
and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation,
the Community Relations Manager of the Wanganui Conservancy of the Department of Conservation prohibits access by motorised vehicles in any part of the Whitiau Scientific Reserve described in the Schedule other than:
(i) Between the months of August to November inclusive by entrance to the reserve over the 200 metres of formed road heading west within the reserve from the end of Findlayson Road to the car park, and the further 2000 metres of unformed road heading south-west from the car park to the Whangaehu River mouth and shown by white poles; or
(ii) By permit to be issued by the Conservator, Department of Conservation, Wanganui.
Wellington Land District-Wanganui District
242.93 hectares, being Section 547, Left Bank Wanganui River, Block X, Ikitara Survey District.
Dated at Wanganui this 29th day of November 2002.
(File: CO LAN 7600)