Notice Title

Revocation of a Notice Relating to a Conservation Area and Issue of Fresh Notice

Publication Date
26 Sep 2002


Conservation Act Land notices

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Principal Edition, 26 September 2002.
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See page 3775
Under section 50A of the Conservation Act 1987, and by reason of an error made in the notice described subsequently, the Conservator for the Otago Conservancy of the Department of Conservation and the Commissioner of Crown Lands acting under a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, being the Minister responsible for the department of State that has control of the land, revoke
the notice declaring land to be held for conservation purposes dated the 9th and 29th day of July 2002 and published in the New Zealand Gazette, 8 August 2002, No. 94, page 2555, and issue the following notice as a fresh notice in its place.
Declaring Land to be Held for Conservation Purposes
Under section 7 (1) of the Conservation Act 1987, the Conservator for the Otago Conservancy of the Department of Conservation and the Commissioner of Crown Lands acting under a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, being the Minister responsible for the department of State that has control of the land described in the Schedule, jointly declare that the land is held for conservation purposes, part of such land to remain subject to special lease 5235553.2 and easement 5235553.4.
Otago Land District-Central Otago District
7905.0206 hectares, being Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and part Section 2, S.O. 24511. Part document 942086.6.
Dated at Dunedin this 30th day of August 2002.
JEFF CONNELL, Otago Conservator.
Dated at Wellington this 13th day of September 2002.
DAVID GULLEN, Commissioner of Crown Lands.
(DOC Files: P 143, PAA 13 02 57)