Notice Title

Notice of Intention to Assign Place Names

Pursuant to section 12 of the New Zealand Geographic Board Act 1946, notice is hereby given of the intention of the
New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa to assign the altered or new names stated in the first column of the Schedule below, to the respective places described in the second column of the Schedule.
Objection to the proposed names may be given in writing, setting out the grounds for objection, to the Secretary of the
New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa, care of Land Information New Zealand, Private Box 5501, Wellington, within a period of three months from the date of the New Zealand Gazette containing this notice.
South Auckland Land District
Waitete Stream Stream located west of Arapuni, flowing generally north-easterly into the Waikato River, Topographic map 260 T15 Putaruru, GR 2738900E 6343700N. Spelling correction from Waiteti Stream.
Wellington Land District
Riverstone Terraces Suburb of Upper Hutt, located north of the Hutt River, between Moonshine Road and Whakatikei River, Topographic map 260 R27, R28 and Pt Q27 Wellington, GR 2681500E 6008500N. Not named on current mapping.
Marlborough Land District
Duncan Bay Locality/settlement at Duncan Bay (marine feature), situated at the southern most reaches of Tennyson Inlet (large body of water off Tawhitinui Reach), Marlborough Sounds,
Topographic map 260 P27 Picton, GR 2574000E 6009200N. Currently named Tennyson Inlet (locality).
Nelson Land District
Pororari Locality near Perpendicular Point, approximately 3km north-east of Punakaiki, Topographic map 260 K30 Punakaiki, GR 2373300E 5900800N. Currently named Porarari.
Canterbury/Westland Land District
Lauper Peak Peak at height 2485m situated in the Butler Range in the Southern Alps/Ka Tiritiri
o te Moana, Topographic map 260 J34 Whitcombe, GR 23433000E 5773550N. Currently named Louper Peak.
Canterbury Land District
Lauper Stream Stream flowing south into the Rakaia River from the Southern Alps/Ka Tiritiri o te Moana, Topographic maps 260 J34 Whitcombe, GR 2344850E 5772000N and J35 Arrowsmith, GR 2344100E 5769500N. Currently named Louper Stream.
Pohatu/Flea Bay Bay located approximately 5km east north-east of the entrance to Akaroa Harbour, Topographic map 260 N36 and N37 Akaroa, GR 2511000E 5703600N. Currently named Flea Bay.
Westland Land District
Red Jacks Railway Station Railway Station located on the Stillwater Wesport Line, approximately 2km south-west of Ngahere, Topographic map 260 K31 Ahaura, GR 2380800E 5864800N. Not named on current mapping.
Tuning Fork Creek Stream flowing north-westerly into Arawhata River from Lake Greaney and Minim Mere in the Haast Range, Topographic maps 260 E37 and E38 Cascade, GR 2169000E 5674500N and F38 Wilkin, GR 2171500E 5672500N. Currently named Tunning Fork Creek.
Mount Willberg Mountain at height 1245m situated approximately 5km south-east of Harihari, Topographic map 260 I34 Harihari, GR 2314650E 5777400N. Currently named Mount Wilberg.
Willberg Glacier Glacier situated in the Lord Range, south-east of Mueller Peak, Topographic map 260 J34 Whitcombe, GR 2335000E 5772400N. Currently named Wilberg Glacier.
Willberg Range Range extending from Mount Willberg (proposed spelling as above) in a generally
south-easterly direction to Mount Kensington, Topographic map 260 I34 Harihari and
I35 Whataroa, from GR 2314650E 5777400N to GR 2318450E 5765750N. Currently named Wilberg Range.
Willberg River River flowing generally westerly into the Poerua River from the Willberg Range (proposed spelling as above), Topographic map 260 I34 Harihari, GR 2315000E 5771250N and I35 Whataroa, GR 2313400E 5769650N and GR 2316850E 5769450N. Currently named Wilberg River by New Zealand Gazette, 1971, page 259.
Otago Land District
O'Leary Peak Peak at height 2570m situated approximately 1km north of Mount Earnslaw/Pikitakatahi in the Forbes Mountains, Topographic map 260 E40 Earnslaw, GR 2145850E 5611600N. Currently named Leary Peak by New Zealand Gazette, 1948, page 939.
Thurneysen Glacier Glacier situated south of Mount Barth, Huxley Range, Topographic map 260 G38 Haast Pass/Tioripatea, GR 2238000E 5666000N. Currently named Thurneyson Glacier.
Southland Land District
Lake Beddoes Lake situated on Pitt River, near its confluence with Wild Natives River, approximately 2km upstream from the upper reaches of Bounty Haven, Bligh Sound, Topographic map 260 B41, C41 and Pt C40 George, GR 2079850E 5577150N. Not named on current mapping. Lake Beddoes is proposed to be transferred from the lake proposed as Lake Crusoe (see below).
Lake Crusoe Lake situated on Pitt River, approximately 3km south-east of the upper reaches of Bounty Haven, Bligh Sound, Topographic map 260 B41, C41 and Pt C40 George, GR 2079700E 5574800N. Currently named Lake Beddoes.
Mount Gray Mountain at height 1502m situated approximately 4km south-west of the mouth of the Spey River at the West Arm of Lake Manapouri, Topographic map 260 C43 Manapouri, GR 2061100E 5501500N. Currently named Mount Grey.
Dated at Wellington this 24th day of October 2002.
W. K. SHAW, Secretary, New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.