Notice Title

Declaration That Land is a Reserve

Publication Date
9 May 2002


Reserves Act Reserves Districts

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See page 1315
Under the Reserves Act 1977, the Community Relations Manager of the Canterbury Conservancy of the Department of Conservation notifies that the following resolution
was passed by the Banks Peninsula District Council on
12 December 2001:
"Resolved that the Banks Peninsula District Council exercise its powers conferred on it by section 14 of the Reserves Act 1977, and hereby resolves that the pieces of land held by it in fee simple, and described in the Schedule hereto, shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be reserves as specified hereunder within the meaning of the said Act."
Canterbury Land District-Banks Peninsula District
777 square metres, being Section 2, S.O. 19175. All certificate of title 40A/94 - recreation reserve.
7011 square metres, being Lot 1, D.P. 18171. Subject to easement contained in Transfer 429667, and right of
way contained in Transfer 436869. All certificate of title 664/53 - local purpose (reservoir) reserve.
908 square metres, being Lot 6, D.P. 60942. Subject to easement contained in Transfer 557014.1, easement certificate 386814.4, and easements contained in Transfer 529833. All certificate of title 37A/357 - local purpose (reservoir) reserve.
Dated at Christchurch this 17th day of April 2002.
(DOC D.O. RSR014)