Pursuant to Regulation 9 (2) of the Fisheries (Kaimoana Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998, a Senior Fisheries Management Advisor, Ministry of Fisheries (acting pursuant to delegated authority in accordance with section 41 of the State Sector Act 1988), hereby gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title and commencement-(1) This notice may be cited as the Fisheries (Kaimoana Customary Fishing) Notice (No. 10) 2002.
(2) This notice shall come into effect the day after the date of its notification in the New Zealand Gazette.
2. Interpretation-In this notice:
(a) The terms "Mahinga Kai-moana" and "Kaimoana" are local dialect words that have the same meaning as "Customary food gathering" and "Fisheries resources" respectively, as defined in the Fisheries (Kaimoana Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998;
(b) Any reference to "Komiti Kaitiaki Whakature i nga taonga o Tangaroa" means the person or persons appointed under Regulation 9 of the Fisheries (Kaimoana Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998
as Tangata Kaitiaki/Tiaki for a general customary food gathering area/rohe moana and confirmed in clause 4 of this notice; and
(c) Any reference to "area/rohe moana" means all that area of waters enclosed by a line commencing at
the mean high-water mark at a point 35 03.80' S and 173 55.70' E on the northern shore of Takou Bay, and then proceeding along a straight line in a north-easterly direction to a point 32 36.00' S and 176 54.00' E on the outer limit of the exclusive economic zone and then proceeding generally in a south-easterly direction along the outer limit of the exclusive economic zone to a point 33 09.00' S and 177 39.00' E and then proceeding in a straight line in south-westerly direction to a point 35 13.34' S and 174 05.73' E and then proceeding in a southerly direction to a point 35 16.88' S and 174 06.31' E and then proceeding in a southerly direction to a point 35 17.86' S and 174 06.19' E on the southern headland of the entrance to the Haumi River and then along the mean high-water mark to the point
of commencement.
3. Nomination of Komiti Kaitiaki Whakature i nga taonga o Tangaroa-Nga Hapu o Taiamai Ki Te Marangi including the hapu of Ngati Rehia, Ngati Whakaeke,
Ngati Torehina, Ngati Tautahi, Ngati Hineira, Te Uri Taniwha, Ngai Tewake, Ngati Rangi, Ngati Kawa, Ngati Kura, Te Hikutu, Te Whiu and Ngare Hauata, being
the tangata whenua holding manawhenua manamoana over the area/rohe moana, have made the following nominations for Komiti Kaitiaki Whakature i nga taonga o Tangaroa within the area/rohe moana:
Aro Rihari, Richard Civil, Te Hurihanga Judah Heihei, Arthur Ashby, Hare Heihei, Keith Ashby, Bonny Craven, Remarie Kapa, Jim Taituha, Waata Rameka, Adelaide Rameka, Leo Brown, Nou Epiha and Temepara Epiha.
4. Appointment of Komiti Kaitiaki Whakature i nga taonga o Tangaroa-The Associate Minister of Fisheries (acting pursuant to delegated authority) hereby confirms
the appointment of:
Aro Rihari, Richard Civil, Te Hurihanga Judah Heihei, Arthur Ashby, Hare Heihei, Keith Ashby, Bonny Craven, Remarie Kapa, Jim Taituha, Waata Rameka, Adelaide Rameka, Leo Brown, Nou Epiha and Temepara Epiha
for managing Mahinga Kai-moana within the area/rohe moana.
The appointments will commence the day after this notice is published.
5. Power to authorise taking of Kaimoana for Mahinga Kai-moana-The Komiti Kaitiaki Whakature i nga taonga o Tangaroa may authorise any individual to take Kaimoana managed under the Fisheries Acts 1983 and 1996, other than those Kaimoana that are taken in fresh water, for Mahinga Kai-moana purposes from within the whole or any part of the area/rohe moana. No Mahinga Kai-moana of Kaimoana may take place in the area/rohe moana without authorisation from the Komiti Kaitiaki Whakature i nga taonga o Tangaroa.
Dated at Auckland on this 13th day of December 2002.
JOHN TAUNTON-CLARK, Senior Fisheries Management Advisor, Ministry of Fisheries.