Notice Type
Notice Title

Fisheries (Conversion Factors) Amendment Notice 2002 (No. F226)

Pursuant to section 188 of the Fisheries Act 1996, the National Manager Fisheries Management, Ministry of Fisheries (acting pursuant to delegated authority in accordance with section 41 of the State Sector Act 1988), gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title-(1) This notice is the Fisheries (Conversion Factors) Amendment Notice 2002 and is part of the principal notice.
(2) In this notice, "principal notice" means the Fisheries (Conversion Factors) Notice 2000 SR 2000/170.
2. Commencement-This notice comes into force on
1 October 2002.
3. Interpretation-Clause 3 of the principal notice is amended by:
(a) revoking the definition of the term "gilled and gutted"
(b) inserting the following definition; "gilled and gutted tail-off , in relation to southern bluefin tuna, bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, pacific bluefin tuna and albacore tuna, means the state in which the viscera (heart, liver, gut, and associated organs), gills and caudal (tail) fin are removed, whether or not the operculae (gill covers), or dorsal, pelvic or anal fins have been removed";
(c) inserting the following definition; "gilled and gutted tail-on, in relation to southern bluefin tuna, bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, pacific bluefin tuna and albacore tuna, means the state in which the viscera (heart, liver, gut, and associated organs), and gills are removed, whether or not the operculae (gill covers), or dorsal, pelvic or anal fins have been removed".
4. Part 1 of the Schedule-Part 1 of the Schedule of the principal notice is amended by revoking the figure "1.85" for the species or class of fish Ling (LIN) from the fourth column and substituting the figure "1.80".
5. Part 2 of the Schedule-Part 2 of the Schedule of the principal notice is amended by:
(a) inserting the following clause as clause A1:
"Albacore tuna
The conversion factor for gilled and gutted
tail-off for albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) is
1.15, the conversion factor for gilled and gutted tail-on for albacore tuna is 1.10";
(b) inserting the following clause as clause B1:
"Bigeye tuna
The conversion factor for gilled and gutted
tail-off for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) is 1.15, the conversion factor for gilled and gutted tail-on for bigeye tuna is 1.10";
(c) amend clause 3 by:
(i) revoking the figure "1.40", and substituting the figure "1.25", and
(ii) inserting after the amended figure of 1.40 "the conversion factor for broadbill swordfish fillets is 1.50";
(d) revoking from clause 6 the figure "2.55", and substituting the figure "2.65";
(e) revoking clause 17, and substituting the following clause:
"Southern bluefin tuna
The conversion factor for gilled and gutted
tail-off for southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyi) is 1.15, the conversion factor for gilled and gutted tail-on for southern bluefin tuna is 1.10";
(f) insert the following clause as clause 10A:
"Pacific bluefin tuna
The conversion factor for gilled and gutted tail-off for pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) is 1.15, the conversion factor for gilled and gutted tail-on for pacific bluefin tuna is 1.10";
(g) insert the following clause as clause 23;
"Yellowfin tuna
The conversion factor for gilled and gutted tail-off for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) is 1.15, the conversion factor for gilled and gutted tail-on for yellowfin tuna is 1.10";
Dated at Wellington this 18th day of September 2002.
MIKE ARBUCKLE, National Manager Fisheries Management, (acting pursuant to delegated authority).
Explanatory Note
This note is not part of the notice, but is intended to indicate its general effect.
This notice, which comes into force on 1 October 2002, amends the Fisheries (Conversion Factors) Notice 2000.
The notice makes the following changes:
(a) The definition of gilled and gutted and the conversion factor for gilled and gutted southern bluefin tuna is revoked;
(b) new definitions for gilled and gutted tail-off and gilled and gutted tail-on are inserted;
(c) the conversion factor for dressed ling is reduced from 1.85 to 1.80;
(d) the conversion factor for albacore tuna, bigeye tuna, pacific bluefin tuna, southern bluefin tuna, and yellowfin tuna for gilled and gutted tail-off is 1.15 and 1.10 for gilled and gutted with tail on ;
(e) the conversion factor for headed, gutted and finned broadbill swordfish is reduced from 1.40 to 1.25, and the conversion factor for broadbill swordfish fillets is 1.50;
(f) the conversion factor for skin-on trimmed fillets for hoki is increased from 2.55 to 2.65.
Publication Date
26 Sep 2002

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