Notice Type
Notice Title

Notice of Claim

This notice is given pursuant to section 101 (2) of the Public Trust Act 2001.
To all creditors and claimants of Due Pecoroni (a company that was deregistered in October 1998):
The sum of $9,167.00 has been paid to the Public Trust to hold in the name of the deregistered company.
A claim has been lodged by Felice Freda, a former director and shareholder of the company.
The Public Trust is proposing to pay the amount of the
claim (less associated costs) to Felice Freda and one other shareholder, subject to any notice of claim being received
on or prior to 26 October 2002.
Any person having any interest in priority to that of the claimants is to submit a claim to the National Manager, Public Trust Central Service Centre, P.O. Box 31-543, Lower Hutt (Attention: Ken Southam) on or prior to the above-mentioned date.
Note: This is the first and only notice of this claim