Notice Title

Appointments/reappointments to the

National Ethics Committee on Assisted
Human Reproduction
Pursuant to sections 11 and 16 (3) of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, I appoint
Professor Sylvia Rumball (chairperson)
Christine Rogan
Professor (David) Gareth Jones
Dr Christine Forster; and
Philippa Cunningham
as members of the National Ethics Committee on Assisted Human Reproduction for terms of two years commencing on 10 July 2002; and reappoint
Associate Professor Ken Daniels; and
Associate Professor Alastair Gunn
as members of the National Ethics Committee on Assisted Human Reproduction for terms of two years commencing on 10 July 2002.
Dated at Wellington this 9th day of July 2002.
ANNETTE KING, Minister of Health.