Notice Type
Notice Title

Electronic Register of Companies

Pursuant to section 360 (4) of the Companies Act 1993,
I advise that from 1 May 2002, the New Zealand Register of Companies ("the Register") will be kept as an electronic register.
The move to an electronic register is due to the implementation of the Personal Property Securities Register ("PPSR") on 1 May 2002. The implementation of this register will mean that company charges will no longer
be registered on the New Zealand Register of Companies. The balance of the Register has been available for searching by electronic means for some years. Very little paper filing and physical searching of the Register now occurs. With the implementation of the PPSR, the opportunity has been taken to create consistency in the ability to search electronically.
The Register will be available to anyone who has access to the Internet or other direct network connections - either from a desktop PC or by visiting a district Companies Office or their local library to use an Internet based PC.
Information required to be registered on the Register can, from 1 May 2002, be registered by one of the following methods:
(i) Directly by clients by using a "company key" (secure password) issued by the Registrar of Companies;
(ii) Electronic filing of documents (for example annual returns);
(iii) Filing of paper documents. Such documents will be entered on the Register by:
? Being directly keyed into the Register by Companies Office staff from paper documents; and
? Scanning images of all paper documents received in the Companies Office.
All paper files remain accessible upon request for those clients who need to conduct a search of historical company documents, including company charge documents.
A client wishing further information should contact the Companies Office by telephone on 0508 266 726.
Dated at Wellington this 23rd day of April 2002.
NEVILLE HARRIS, Registrar of Companies.