Notice Title

Constitution for the Combined Board of Trustees of St Joseph's School, Invercargill (4017), St Patrick's School, Nightcaps (4019) and St Teresa's School, Bluff (4021)

Publication Date
10 Jan 2002


Marriage Act Approval of organisations

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Pursuant to section 105A of the Education Act 1989,
I hereby give the following notice:
Membership of the Board
The combined board of St Joseph's School, Invercargill (4017), St Patrick's School, Nightcaps (4019) and St Teresa's School, Bluff (4021) ("the three schools") will be made up of the following people:
? nine parent representatives (three representing each school);
? three principals (one from each school);
? one staff member (elected by the staff of the three schools and representing the interests of the teachers at the three schools); and
? four proprietors's representatives (appointed by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Dunedin).
Parent Representatives
1. A single election for the schools' parent representatives shall be held, with the representatives being nominated and elected in accordance with section 96 (3) of the Education Act 1989 ("the Act") and the Education (School Trustees Election) Regulations, 2000 ("Election Regulations") with any necessary modifications.
2. The three highest polling candidates nominated in respect of each school shall become trustees regardless of the votes cast for the other candidates.
3. The number of parent representatives on the board will at all times exceed the number of other trustees.
4. No person who is employed permanently or temporarily by any of the schools can be a parent representative.
5. Casual vacancies for all trustees will arise in accordance with section 104 of the Act, and be filled in
accordance with section 105 of the Act.
6. Elections required under this notice or under the Act will be carried out under the Election Regulations. For the first election, a returning officer will be appointed by a joint decision of the three boards and will carry out the duties in accordance with the Election Regulations.
Staff Representative
The staff representative will be elected in accordance
with sections 97 (1) and 101 of the Act and the Election Regulations.
Principal Membership
1. The principals of the three schools will be members of the combined board.
2. If, at some time in the future, the combined board appoints a single principal for the three schools, the principal will take one position and the other two positions will be filled by two designated head teachers.
Term of Office
1. The term of office of the trustees on the combined board, and the process for fixing triennial election dates will
be in accordance with sections 101 and 102 of the Act. In addition, all provisions under Part 9 of the Act with regard to the election of trustees will apply.
2. Trustees on the first combined board established under section 110 of the Act take office on the date specified in the New Zealand Gazette notice establishing the combined board under that section. The term of office of the trustees on the first combined board established under section 110 of the Act will be until March/April 2004 or such other dates as will achieve the requirements of clause 12.
3. The provisions for staggered elections, under sections 101A and 101B of the Act, apply to the combined board.
Changes to the Constitution
Changes to the constitution of the combined board will be subject to the approval of the Minister of Education and must be notified in the New Zealand Gazette.
Dated at Wellington this 13th day of December 2002.
TREVOR MALLARD, Minister of Education.