Notice Title

Maori Incorporation

Tangihaere Tawhana Incorporated
Pursuant to Part XIII of Te Ture Whenua Maori/Maori Land Act 1993 and Part XIII of Te Ture Whenua Maori Incorporations Constitution Regulations Act 1995
Pursuant to Part XIII, and sections 338 and 338 (7) of the
Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993, on the 27th day of October 2002, Tangihaere Tawhana Incorporated became a Maori incorporation in the terms of the provisions of the Act.
On the 12th day of October 2002, a management committee hui was held at 43A Waingaro Road, Ngaruawahia 2171, where the following special resolutions were passed.
First Resolution
The provisions of section 253 of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993, and in terms of section 17 (3) of Te Ture
Whenua Maori Amendment Act 1994, the constitution of the incorporation is hereby amended by Part I, Constitution of Courts, Regulations, Constitution. It shall be lawful for the incorporation to constitute marae-based tribunals being that the hapu has established its marae tribunal system to
be held at Mangatoi Marae.
The tribunals are:
? Native Circuit Tribunal
? Native District Tribunal
? Native Whanau Tribunal
having criminal, civil, land and general jurisdiction on a Monday to Friday and alternate Saturdays, between the hours of 10.00 a.m. and 4.30 p.m., or at the discretion of the native assessors (tangata whenua).
Second Resolution
Native assessors (tangata whenua) were elected and made up of the management committee:
? Robert Nicholas Walker, chairperson of management committee
? Daphne Te Whanaupani Hendry, secretary of management committee
? Maurice Morehu Tangihaere, chairperson of Kaitiaki Whanau Trust
? Richard James Davis, chairperson of Kaitiaki Trust
? Kenneth Te Wanahi Tangihaere, chairperson of Kaitiaki Ahu Whenua Trust
? Daniel Paranihi, chairperson of Kaitiaki Topu Whenua Trust
? Kalina Te Rina Kurshell, chairperson of Kaitiaki Putea Trust
? Katherane Anne Hendry, Sharevaluer/Auditor
Native Justices of the Peace elected are members of the Kaumatua/Kuia Council who are the trustees for the marae:
? Robert Nicholas Walker
? Maurice Morehu Tangihaere
? Victor Winstone Tangihaere
? Kenneth Te Wanahi Tangihaere
? Richard James Davis
? Daniel Paranihi
? Ronald Northcott
? Joey Northcott
? Walter Ngauru
? Mary Te Wehenga Northcott
? Geneva Davis
? Daphne Te Whanaupani Hendry
? Mona Nancy Strickland
? Rita Tangihaere
Both the boards of native assessors (tangata whenua)
and Kaumatua/Kuia Council (Justices of the Peace) were nominated into their positions on the 14th day of September 2002 and were given the Seal of Approval at Waitangi Marae in a Court hearing sitting on the 27th day of October 2002.
Naku noa na.
DAPHNE TE WHANAUPANI HENDRY, Secretary/Registrar, Management Committee.