Pursuant to Regulation 11 (3A) of the Traffic Regulations 1976, and pursuant to a subdelegation from the Director of Land Transport Safety by an instrument dated 3 May 1999, I, Peter Graeme Croft, Manager Safer Roads, hereby
declare that nothing in Regulation 11 (2A) of the Traffic Regulations 1976 shall apply with respect to the railway level crossings at the locations described in the Schedule to this notice subject to the erection, on each approach to the said level crossings, of a Level Crossing Exemption sign in the form described in the "Warning Traffic Sign-Level Crossing Exemption" notice dated 15 July 2002*.
(a) Dunedin City
1. Wharf Street, siding 20 metres measured southerly generally from Birch Street.
2. Roberts Street, siding 5 metres measured easterly generally from Wharf Street.
3. Kitchener Street, siding 5 metres measured easterly generally from Wharf Street.
4. Strathallan Street, siding 10 metres measured easterly generally from Andersons Bay Road.
(b) Manukau City
5. Dalgety Drive, Wiri, siding 375 metres measured southerly generally from Kerrs Road.
(c) Napier City
6. Tamatea Drive, Waitane Yard siding 200 metres measured easterly generally from Austin Street.
7. State Highway 2, Awatoto Shingle Plant siding 410 metres measured northerly generally from Waitangi Road.
(d) Southland District
8. State Highway 1, Edendale, siding 15 metres measured westerly generally from Ferry Road.
(e) Tauranga District
9. State Highway 29, siding 200 metres measured easterly generally from Waimarie Street.
(f) Wellington City
10. Hinemoa Street, siding 2 metres measured
north-easterly generally from Waterloo Quay.
(g) Westland District/Grey District
11. State Highway No. 6, Taramakau Road-Rail Bridge.
(h) Westland District
12. State Highway No. 6, Hokitika siding 130 metres measured southerly generally from Weld Street.
13. State Highway No. 6, Arahura Road-Rail Bridge.
Dated at Wellington this 15th day of July 2002.
PETER GRAEME CROFT, Manager Safer Roads.
*New Zealand Gazette, 18 July 2002, No. 81, page 2150