Pursuant to the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, notice is hereby given of the making of regulations as under:
Authority for Enactment Title or Subject-matter Serial Number Date of Enactment Price Code Retail
Customs and Excise Act 1996 Customs Import Prohibition (Trout) Amendment Order (No 2) 2001 2001/141 25/6/01 2-A $1.60
Public Finance Act 1989 Public Finance (Transfers Between Outputs) Order 2001 2001/142 25/6/01 6-BY $2.30
Income Tax Act 1994 Income Tax (Deemed Rate of Return, 2000-01 Income Year) Regulations 2001 2001/143 25/6/01 2-A $1.60
Local Electoral Act 2001 Local Electoral Act Commencement Order 2001 2001/144 25/6/01 2-A $1.60
Local Electoral Act 2001 Local Electoral Regulations 2001 2001/145 25/6/01 41-D $5.35
Local Electoral Act 2001 Local Government (Electoral) Amendment Regulations 2001 2001/146 25/6/01 4-BX $2.10
Commodity Levies Act 1990 Commodity Levies (Southern Scallops) Amendment Order 2001 2001/147 25/6/01 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1983, Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Amateur Fishing) Amendment Regulations 2001 2001/148 25/6/01 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1983, Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Southland and Sub-Antarctic Areas Amateur Fishing) Amendment Regulations 2001 2001/149 25/6/01 3-BX $2.10
Fisheries Act 1983, Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Southland and Sub-Antarctic Areas Commercial Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2001 2001/150 25/6/01 3-BX $2.10
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Southern Bluefin Tuna Quota) Amendment Regulations 2001 2001/151 25/6/01 3-BX $2.10
Fisheries Act 1983, Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Recordkeeping) Amendment Regulations 2001 2001/152 25/6/01 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1983, Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Reporting) Amendment Regulations 2001 2001/153 25/6/01 3-BX $2.10
Fisheries Act 1983, Fisheries Act 1996 Freshwater Fish Farming Amendment Regulations 2001 2001/154 25/6/01 3-BX $2.10
Fisheries Act 1983, Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Commercial Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2001 2001/155 25/6/01 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1983, Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Central Area Commercial Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2001 2001/156 25/6/01 3-BX $2.10
Fisheries Act 1983, Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Auckland and Kermadec Areas Commercial Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2001 2001/157 25/6/01 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1983, Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (South-East Area Commercial Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2001 2001/158 25/6/01 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1983, Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Challenger Area Commercial Fishing) Amendment Regulations 2001 2001/159 25/6/01 2-A $1.60
Takeovers Act 1993 Takeovers (Fees) Regulations 2001 2001/160 25/6/01 4-BX $2.10
Conservation Act 1987, Maori Land Amendment and Maori Land Claims Adjustment Act 1926 Taupo District Trout Fishery Licences, Fees, and Forms Notice (No 2) 2001 2001/161 22/6/01 5-BY $2.30
Securities Act 1978 Securities Act (United Kingdom Issuers Employee Share Purchase Schemes) Exemption Amendment Notice (No 2) 2001 2001/162 26/6/01 3-BX $2.10
Securities Act 1978 Securities Act (Fletcher Challenge Forests Retirement Plan) Exemption Notice 2001 2001/163 27/6/01 4-BX $2.10
Disputes Tribunals Act 1988 Disputes Tribunals Amendment Rules (No 2) 2001 2001/164 27/6/01 2-A $1.60
Judicature Act 1908 Court of Appeal Fees Amendment Regulations
(No 2) 2001 2001/165 27/6/01 2-A $1.60
Judicature Act 1908 High Court Fees Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2001 2001/166 27/6/01 2-A $1.60
Administration Act 1969 Administration (Fee) Amendment Regulations
(No 2) 2001 2001/167 27/6/01 2-A $1.60
Insolvency Act 1967 Insolvency Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2001 2001/168 27/6/01 2-A $1.60
District Courts Act 1947 District Courts Fees Amendment Regulations 2001 2001/169 27/6/01 2-A $1.60
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