Notice Title

Notice of Proposal to Promote an Indicative Referendum Petition

Pursuant to section 7 of the Citizens Initiated Referenda
Act 1993, I give notice that I have received from
Stuart F. E. Marshall a proposal to promote an indicative referendum petition.
The wording of the question proposed to be put to voters in an indicative referendum is:
"Should the current review of the voting system be
taken out of the hands of self-interested politicians by holding another binding referendum to decide the future voting system, recognising the already clearly established public demand to reduce the number of MPs to 99?"
Comment is invited on this wording.
Anyone wishing to comment must send 3 written copies to:
The Clerk of the House of Representatives
Parliament House
Parliament Buildings
by 5.00 p.m. on Friday, the 23rd day of February 2001.
Dated at Wellington this 21st day of December 2000.
D. G. MCGEE, Clerk of the House of Representatives.