Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

I hereby give notice of my intention to issue new or provisional instruments of title in place of those declared lost and described in the Schedule below upon the
expiration of 14 days from the date of this publication.
(Certificate of title reference unless otherwise stated; registered proprietor's name; application number.)
1. 796/144; Bryce Arthur Lott; D. 607188.
2. 106C/560; William David McNee; D. 608545.
3. 54A/572; Mika Taufoa Siu and Solo Taufoa Siu; D. 608633.
4. Mortgage D. 196117.10; Countrywide Banking Corporation Limited; D. 608633.
5. Lease 31724; John Alan Barry and Anne Elizabeth Barry; D. 608968.
6. 123D/329; Royalle Vista Estate Limited; D. 609094.
7. 95D/351 and 95D/352 and leases D. 360914.2 and
D. 360914.3; Leonard Douglas Light and Kathleen Mary Light; D. 609202.
8. 774/206; James Brian Boswell and Harold Thomas James Crosby; D. 609270.
9. Mortgage D. 072756.2; Westpac Banking Corporation; D. 609272.
10. 71C/697; Steven Yellon and Lubna Rashid Yellon; D. 609341.
11. 697/58; James Pascoe Limited; D. 609632.
12. Lease 993628.5; Royal New Zealand Foundation for The Blind; D. 609662.
13. 85D/292; UNITEC - Institute of Technology; D. 609718.
14. 95D/496 and lease C. 566468.2; Christopher Keith Gould and Catherine Monica Gould; D. 690870.
15. Mortgage D. 554314.3; Mortgage Holding Trust Company Limited; D. 609870.
16. 110B/207; Samantha Jane Scott; D. 609871.
17. Mortgage D. 561341.3; Mortgage Holding Trust Company Limited; D. 609871.
18. 7A/205; The Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Trust Board; D. 610004.
19. 29A/1348; Philip John Herbert and Anne Frances Herbert; D. 610024.
20. 132A/619, 132A/620, 132A/623, 132A/624, 132A/626, 132A/627, 132A/628, 132A/629, 132A/630, 132A/631 and 132A/633; Eastpark Holdings Limited; D. 610046.
21. 12D/858; Charles Louis Scott and Harriett Joan Scott; D. 610193.
22. 23A/493 and lease 110542.2; Audrey Myrtle Billing; D. 609787.
23. 41A/702; Peter Donald Allbon; D. 610234.
24. Lease B. 726619.1; Stephen John Protheroe and Eileen Susan Young; D. 610524.
Dated at the Auckland Land Information New Zealand Office this 7th day of June 2001.
PAUL WATTERS, for Registrar-General of Land.