Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

I hereby give notice of my intention to issue new or provisional instruments of title in place of those declared lost and described in the Schedule below upon the
expiration of 14 days from the date of this publication.
(Certificate of title reference unless otherwise stated; registered proprietor's name; application number.)
1. 39B/305 and lease H. 747759.5; Wallace Rowland Hope and Nancy Hope; B. 654709.2.
2. 7A/507; Effie Hine Kora (also known as Hine Ewhi Kora and Hine Ewhi Temaikoha); B. 657907.1.
3. 1705/9; Shirley Josephine Dooley and Kenneth Anthony Dooley; B. 658167.1.
4. 11A/32; Gerald Dominic Shields and Alison Muriel Shields; B. 658445.1.
Dated at the Hamilton Land Information New Zealand Office this 17th day of May 2001.
ROBERT ANDRELL, for Registrar-General of Land.