Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

Notice is hereby given that a certificate of title will be issued in the names of Gordon Cyril Higgins and Barbara Elizabeth Higgins for the parcel of land hereinafter described, pursuant to an application made under section 3 of the Land Transfer Amendment Act 1963, unless a caveat is lodged forbidding the same on or before the 31st day of May 2001.
Application 1002 for all that parcel of land containing 8.6299 hectares, more or less, being part Section 36, Havelock Suburban Registration District and being the land in certificate of title 1B/181 (Marlborough Registry), the registered proprietor thereof being Charles John McDowell.
Dated at the Blenheim Land Information New Zealand Office this 26th day of April 2001.
J. K. COLUMBUS, for Registrar-General of Land.