Notice Title

Land Declared No Longer Required for

Education Purposes
Pursuant to section 5A of the Education Lands Act 1949 and pursuant to authority delegated to me, I, Paul Dickson Burke, Group Manager Property, Ministry of Education, Wellington, hereby give the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. The land described in the Schedule to this notice is no longer required for education purposes.
2. This notice shall come into force on 1 February 2001.
ha Being
0.4165 More or less, being Section 3, S.O. 70381 and being part Allotments 2, 2A and 4, Section
13, Suburbs of Auckland, D.P. 854, part certificate of title 58/250, North Auckland Land Registration District. Part New Zealand Gazette, 23 April 1958, No. 26, page 527.
0.0067 More or less, being Section 4, S.O. 70381 and being part Allotments 2A and 4, Section
13, Suburbs of Auckland, D.P. 854, part certificate of title 58/250, North Auckland Land Registration District. Part New Zealand Gazette, 23 April 1958, No. 26, page 527.
0.1988 More or less, being Section 5, S.O. 70381 and being part Allotment 2, Section 13, Suburbs of Auckland, D.P. 695, formerly part certificate of title 50/258, North Auckland Land Registration District. Part New Zealand Gazette, 12 February 1959, No. 7, page 127.
Dated at Wellington this 30th day of January 2001.
P. D. BURKE, Group Manager Property, Ministry of