Pursuant to section 15 of the New Zealand Geographic Board Act 1946, notice is hereby given of the final decisions of the New Zealand Geographic Board to assign the names stated in the first column of the Schedule below, to the places described in the second column of the said Schedule and that such decisions shall take effect on 14 September 2001.
Gisborne Land District
Karirangi Hill at height 213m, 1km inland from Whanarua Bay, Bay of Plenty. Topographic map 260 Y14, Cape Runaway, GR 2933730E 6379460N. Currently named Kerirangi. Trig station "E Kerirangi" (not beaconed) is located on this hill.
Motu Papaka Islands Two small islands at the eastern head of Whanarua Bay, Bay of Plenty. Topographic map 260 Y14, Cape Runaway, GR 2932800E 6380750N. Currently named Motu Papaku Island.
Te Hoe a Taikehu Hill at height 650m, approximately 20km south-east of Opotiki. Topographic map
260 X15, Omaio, GR 2904200E 6343100N. Currently named Hoiataikahu. Trig station "525 Hoiataikahu" (not beaconed) is located on this hill.
Te Pakira Hill at height 826m, approximately 25km south-east of Opotiki. Topographic map
260 X16, Motu, GR 2905200E 6338750N. Currently named Te Pakora by New Zealand Gazette, 1948, page 939. Trig station "Te Pakora No 1" (not beaconed) is located on
this hill.
Te Whatui Hill at height 854m, approximately 25km south-east of Opotiki. Topographic map
260 X16, Motu, GR 2905600E 6337550N. Currently named Te Pakora (not official). Trig station "Te Pakora No 2" is located on this hill.
Wellington Land District
Summerhill New suburb of Palmerston North, south of the Manawatu River and east of Massey University. Topographic map 260 T24, Palmerston North, GR 2734000E 6088000N. Not named on current mapping.
Marlborough Land District
Konini Bay Small bay at the south-western extremity of Arapawa Island, Queen Charlotte Sound (Totaranui). Topographic map 260 P27, Picton, GR 2608300E 5995500N. Not named on current mapping.
Westland Land District
Dorreen Creek Stream located approximately 8km north-east of Arthur's Pass, flowing from Mount Stuart into the Deception River. Topographic map 260 K33, Otira, GR 2396000E 5813500N. Currently named Doreen Creek.
Canterbury Land District
Gamack Range Range of mountains lying between the Murchison and Godley Rivers, north of Lake Tekapo, and extending generally southwards from Jollie Peak on the Liebig Range to Mount Stevenson. Topographic map 260 I36, Godley, GR 2294000E 5717000N and
I37, Lake Tekapo, GR 2292000E 5708000N. Currently named Gammack Range by
New Zealand Gazette, 1971, page 259.
Otago Land District
Little Domett Mountain at height 1860m, centred between Otematata, Oamaru and Ranfurly. Topographic map 260 I40, Kurow, GR 2303720E 5591110N. Currently named
Little Domet. Trig station "C Little Domet" (not beaconed) is located on this mountain.
Southland Land District
Lake Earnshaw Small lake feeding the Cockburn Stream, which flows into the Spey River. Topographic map 260 C44, Hunter Mountains, GR 2056850E 5496300N. Currently named
Lake Earnslaw.
Mount Moturau Mountain at height 1497m, rising south-west of the Hope Arm of Lake Manapouri and clearly visible from Manapouri township. Topographic map 260 C44, Hunter Mountains, GR 2080950E 5497500N. Not named on current mapping.
Sholl Stream Stream flowing from a peak at height 1133m in the Wall Mountains into the Spey River. Topographic map 260 C43, Manapouri, GR 2058800E 5501000N, C44, Hunter Mountains, GR 2059700E 5499000N. Currently named Shott Stream.
Wynne Burn Stream flowing between Mount Memphis and Pinnacle into the Spey River. Topographic map 260 C44, Hunter Mountains, GR 2055300E 5498000N. Currently named
Wynn Burn.
Dated at Wellington this 18th day of October 2001.
W. K. SHAW, Secretary, New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.