Pursuant to section 12 of the New Zealand Geographic Board Act 1946, notice is hereby given of the intention of the
New Zealand Geographic Board to assign the altered or new names stated in the first column of the Schedule below, to the respective places described in the second column of the Schedule.
Objection to the proposed names may be given in writing, setting out the grounds for objection, to the Secretary of the
New Zealand Geographic Board, care of Land Information New Zealand, Private Box 5501, Wellington, within a period of
3 months from the date of the New Zealand Gazette containing this notice.
North Auckland Land District
Hauturu/Little Barrier Island Island, approximately halfway between Great Barrier Island (Aotea Island) and the North Island coastline. Topographic map 260 S08 and T08, Barrier, GR 2698000E 6554000N. Updating to current dual naming format from "Little Barrier (Hauturu Island)".
Note: The following Hauturu/Little Barrier Island proposed format names were approved as intentions at the Board meeting of 9 July 1953 and have generally been shown on published mapping since that time. This notice completes the statutory process of formal public notification. They are all shown on Topographic map 260, S08 and T08, Barrier.
Awaroa Point Point on S coast 2.5km W of East Cape, GR 973 502.
Awaroa Stream Stream flowing S from the centre of the island to the S coast 500m E of Awaroa Point, GR 979 510.
Crayfish Rock Small island off W coast 700m S of Haowhenua Point, GR 948 523.
East Cape Cape at SE coast, GR 999 502.
Haowhenua Point Point on W coast approximately 2km N of Te Titoki Point, GR 948 531.
Haowhenua Stream Stream W of Mount Herekohu flowing to W coast just S of Haowhenua Point, GR 955 533.
Herekohu Range Range between Parihakoakoa and Waipawa Streams near W coast, GR 955 524.
Hingaia Point Easternmost point of island, GR 007 554.
Hut Bay Creek Stream flowing to SW coast 1km NW of Awaroa Point, GR 966 509.
Lamb Bay Creek Stream flowing to SW coast 350m NW of Awaroa Point, GR 971 505.
Lion Rock Small island near Ngorengore Point, GR 947 541.
Lots Wife Island off NE coast 800m SE of The Queen, GR 006 560.
Mihi Rock Small island 200m off NW coast, N of Te Hue Point, GR 951 555.
Mount Hauruia/Bald Rock Peak at height 600m, GR 988 523. Updating to current dual naming format from
"Mount Hauruia (Bald Rock)".
Mount Hauturu Highest peak at 722m, GR 975 538. Mount Archeria approved as alternative name but never published on subsequent mapping.
Mount Herekohu Peak at height 694m, GR 971 536.
Mount Kiriraukawa Peak at height 705m, GR 983 536.
Mount Ngarahu Peak at height 656m, GR 989 542.
Mount Ohakiri Peak at height 687m, GR 973 541.
Mount Orau Peak at height 647m, GR 985 546.
Mount Orotere Peak at height 668m, GR 985 539.
Mount Whekauwhekau Peak at height 648m, GR 988 528.
Nehupo Stream Stream E of Mount Orotere flowing to E coast, GR 995 535.
Ngamanauraru Bay Bay just N of Haowhenua Point, GR 947 533.
Ngapuamataehu Locality on coastal flat 700m E of Te Titoki Point, GR 956 513.
Ngatamahine Point Northern most point of island, GR 986 573.
Ngorengore Point Point on W coast 1km N of Haowhenua Point, GR 947 541.
Orau Cove Cove on N coast SW of Ngatamahine Point, GR 981 565.
Orau Gorge Gorge with stream flowing N from the centre of the island into Orau Cove, GR 983 555.
Parihakoakoa Pa Pa site 1km N of Te Toki Point, GR 951 521.
Parihakoakoa Stream Stream flowing to W coast N of Parihakoakoa Pa, GR 955 527.
Pohutukawa Stream Stream NE of Mount Ngarahu, GR 995 546.
Sugarloaf Small island off NE coast, 700m SE of The Queen, GR 006 562.
Tawaroa Stream Stream flowing NE into Waimaomao Bay on N coast, GR 992 555.
Te Ananuiarau Bay Bay on N coast SW of Orau Cove, GR 972 560.
Te Hue Point Point on W coast 1km N of Ngorengore Point, GR 950 552.
Te Titoki Point Prominent point on SW coast, GR 948 512.
Te Waikohare Range Range running SW from Mount Hauturu and located between Waipawa Stream and
Te Waikohare Stream, GR 960 520.
Te Waikohare Stream Stream flowing towards SW coast, adjacent to Te Waikohare Range, GR 965 523.
Te Wairere Stream Stream W of Mount Hauturu flowing to W coast, GR 960 542.
The Queen Small island E of Waimaomao Bay on N coast, GR 001 567.
Tirikakawa Stream Stream flowing SSW to coast 1.5km SE of Te Titoki Point, GR 970 520.
Waimanga Creek Stream flowing to SE coast near East Cape, GR 990 510.
Waimaomao Bay Bay on N coast, SE of Ngatamahine Point, GR 994 566.
Waipawa Stream Stream flowing to W coast, N of Te Titoki Point, GR 955 522.
Waitoki Stream Stream flowing N into Te Ananuiarau Bay, GR 977 550.
Whekau Stream Stream flowing to E coast 700m S of Rocky Point, GR 995 525.
South Auckland Land District
Karewa/Gannet Island An island located approximately 25 kilometres northwest of the entrance to Kawhia Harbour. Topographic map 260 Q15 and R15, Kawhia, GR 2647800E. 6357800N. Updating to current dual naming format from "Gannet Island (Karewa)".
Nelson Land District
Note: The following name was approved as an intention at the Board meeting of 9 July 1953 and has been shown on published mapping since that time. This notice completes the statutory process of formal public notification.
Joan Creek Tributary of McConnochie Creek approximately 10km SE of Reefton, Topographic map 260 L30, Reefton, GR 2423500E 5891700N. Shown on current mapping as Joan Creek.
Canterbury Land District
Note: The following Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo names were approved as intentions at the Board meeting of 9 and
10 September 1948 and have generally been shown on published mapping since that time. This notice completes the statutory process of formal public notification.
Topographic Map 260 M36 and M37 Lincoln
Battery Point Point on N shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, at the SW end of Otokitoki/Gollans Bay (proposed name), GR 892 336. Shown on current mapping as Battery Point.
Evans Pass High point at 193m on the road between Lyttelton and Sumner, near the junction of Evans Pass Road and Sumner Road with Summit Road, GR 897 348. Shown on current mapping as Evans Pass.
Kaioruru/Church Bay Small bay immediately S of Pauaohinekotau Head, S shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, GR 872 306. Updating to current dual naming format. Shown on current mapping as Church Bay.
Kamautaurua Island Island 500m S off Tapoa/Erskine Point (proposed new format), Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, shown on current mapping as "Kamautaurua (Shag Reef)", GR 862 323.
Motukauatiiti/Corsair Bay Small bay on N shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, 500m E of Motukauatirahi/Cass Bay (proposed format), GR 857 331. Updating to current dual naming format from "Corsair Bay (Motukauatiiti)". Motukauatiiti Bay official by
New Zealand Gazette, 1949, page 858.
Motukauatirahi/Cass Bay Bay on N shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, between Motukauatiiti/Corsair Bay (proposed format) and Rapaki Bay, GR 852 333. Updating to current dual naming format from "Cass Bay (Motukauatirahi)". Motukauatirahi Bay official by New Zealand Gazette, 1949, page 858.
Officers Point Breakwater at the entrance to the port of Lyttelton, GR 875 330. Not named on current mapping.
Otamahua/Quail Island Island in the SW reaches of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, GR 850 310. Updating to current dual naming format from "Quail Island (Otamahua)".
Otokitoki/Gollans Bay Bay on N shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo below Evans Pass and NE of Battery Point, GR 895 340. Updating to current dual naming format. Shown on current mapping as Gollans Bay.
Pauaohinekotau Head Headland immediately W of Te Waipapa/Diamond Harbour (proposed format) on
S shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, GR 872 314. Shown on current mapping as Pauaohinekotau Head.
Purau Bay Bay on S shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, SE of Stoddart Point, GR 898 307. Also shown on Topographic map 260 N36 and N37, Akaroa. Shown on current mapping as Purau Bay.
Sticking Point Point on the N shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, 1km SW of Battery Point, GR 885 332. Shown on current mapping as Sticking Point.
Stoddart Point Point immediately E of Te Waipapa/Diamond Harbour (proposed format), on S shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, GR 888 316. Shown on current mapping as Stoddart Point.
Tapoa/Erskine Point Point E of Motukauatiiti/Corsair Bay (proposed format) on N shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, site of boat club and adjacent to marina, GR 860 330. Updating to current dual naming format from "Erskine Point (Tapoa)". Tapoa Point official by
New Zealand Gazette, 1949, page 858.
Tauhinukorokio/Mount Pleasant Peak at height 499m, site of trig "Mount Pleasant", situated on ridge surrounding Lyttelton township, approximately 2km NE of the port, GR 880 354. Updating to current dual naming format from "Mount Pleasant (Tauhinukorokio)". Tauhinukorokio Hill official by New Zealand Gazette, 1949, page 858.
Te Awaparahi Locality near Battery Point on N shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, GR 891 337. Shown on current mapping as Te Awaparahi.
Te Waipapa/Diamond Harbour Bay on S shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, immediately W of Stoddart Point and adjacent to the locality of Diamond Harbour, GR 883 314. Updating to current dual naming format from "Diamond Harbour (Te Waipapa)". Te Waipapa Harbour official by New Zealand Gazette, 1949, page 858.
Te Wharau/Charteris Bay Bay on S shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, adjacent to the locality of Charteris Bay, GR 855 290. Updating to current dual naming format. Shown on current mapping as Charteris Bay.
The Tors Hill at height 453m, site of trig EE, on ridge above Motukauatirahi/Cass Bay (proposed format), Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, GR 856 352. Shown on current mapping as
The Tors.
Tihiokahukura/Castle Rock Rock outcrop 400m N of The Tors, GR 856 355. Updating to current dual naming format. Shown on current mapping as "Castle Rock". Tihiokahukura Hill official by
New Zealand Gazette, 1949, page 858.
Topographic Map 260 N36 and N37 Akaroa
Adderley Head Headland on S shoreline at entrance to Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, GR 959 337. Shown on current mapping as Adderley Head.
Awaroa/Godley Head Headland on N shoreline at entrance to Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, GR 945 355. Updating to current dual naming format. Shown on current mapping as Godley Head.
Baleine Point Point on E shoreline at entrance to Port Levy (Potoriwi)/Koukourarata, GR 982 338. Shown on current mapping as Baleine Point.
Black Rock Point located between Te Onepoto/Taylors Mistake (proposed format) and Harris Bay, approximately 2km SE of Sumner Head, GR 926 359. Shown on current mapping as Black Rock.
Boulder Bay Small bay NE of Harris Bay, and approximately 1km NW of Awaroa/Godley Head (proposed name), GR 936 361. Shown on current mapping as Boulder Bay.
Breeze Bay Bay on N shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, between Livingstone Bay and Mechanics Bay, GR 926 344. Shown on current mapping as Breeze Bay.
Fort Jervois Historic defence site on Ripapa Island, north of Purau Bay, Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, GR 902 318. Not named on current mapping.
Harris Bay Small bay E of and adjacent to Black Rock, GR 927 358. Shown on current mapping as Harris Bay.
Inainatu/Pile Bay Small bay on S shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, 1.5km NE of Purau Bay, GR 907 318. Updating to current dual naming format from "Pile Bay (Inainatu)". Inainatu Bay official by New Zealand Gazette 1949 page 858. Pile Bay official by
New Zealand Gazette, 1976, page 2453.
Livingstone Bay Bay on N shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, between Otokitoki/Gollans Bay (proposed name) and Breeze Bay, GR 910 343. Shown on current mapping as Livingstone Bay.
Mechanics Bay Bay on the N shoreline at the entrance to Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, 1km SW of Awaroa/Godley Head (proposed name), GR 937 348. Shown on current mapping as Mechanics Bay.
Mount Evans Hill at height 703m, site of trig "V Mount Evans", 2.5km inland and due S of
Te Pohue/Camp Bay (proposed name), Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, GR 924 292. Shown on current mapping as Mount Evans.
Te Onepoto/Taylors Mistake Coastal locality adjacent to the bay named "Taylors Mistake" being west of and adjacent to Black Rock, GR 920 360. Updating to current dual naming format from "Taylors Mistake (Te Onepoto)". Te Onepoto official by New Zealand Gazette, 1949, page 858.
Te Pohue/Camp Bay Bay on the S shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, approximately 3km WSW of Waitata/Little Port Cooper (proposed name), GR 925 321. Updating to current dual naming format. Shown on current mapping as Camp Bay.
Waitata/Little Port Cooper Bay on S shoreline of Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo, 1km SW of Adderley Head, GR 951 328. Updating to current dual naming format. Shown on current mapping as Little Port Cooper.
Westland Land District
Mount Selborne Mountain at height 1864m, located approximately 17km south-south-west of Haast. Topographic map 260 F38, Wilkin, GR 2184500E 5679660N. Currently named
Mount Selbourne.
Selborne Range Range, extending southerly from Mount Selborne (proposed spelling) then south-easterly to Mount Alba along the Main Divide. Topographic map 260 F38, Wilkin, from GR 2184500E 5679660N to GR 2189270E 5663360N. Currently named Selbourne Range.
Selborne Spur Spur, extending south-westerly from its intersection with Rampart Ridge and Crevice Spur at an unnamed peak of height 1155m, for approximately 3km to Rampart Cliff, above the Waiatoto River. Topographic map 260 F37, Haast, from GR 2181100E 5680600N to F38, Wilkin, GR 2178100E 5678700N. Currently named Selbourne Spur.
Otago Land District
Mount Domett Mountain at height 1942m, centred between Otematata, Oamaru and Ranfurly. Topographic map 260 I40, Kurow, GR 2302200E 5590250N. Currently named
Mount Domet.
Note: The following names were approved as intentions at the Board meeting of 9 and 10 September 1948 and have been shown on published mapping since that time. This notice completes the statutory process of formal public notification.
Yellow Hill Hill at height 718m, site of trig "K Yellow Hill", approximately 25km W and inland of Waikouaiti. Topographic map 260 I43, Waikouaiti, GR 2303571E 5512220N. Shown on current mapping as Yellow Hill.
Mount Hyde Peak at height 443m, site of trig "X Mount Hyde", approximately 20km NW of Dunedin. Topographic map 260 I44 and J44, Dunedin, GR 2299009E 5487304N. Shown on current mapping as Mount Hyde.
Mount Hyde Peak at height 2055m, site of trig "E Mount Hyde", situated in the Harris Mountains approximately 20km SW of Lake Wanaka. Topographic map 260 F40, Wanaka, GR 2177518E 5597556N. Shown on current mapping as Mount Hyde.
Southland Land District
Note: The following names were approved as intentions at the Board meeting of 9 July 1953, but only Waterfall Creek has been shown on published mapping since that time. This notice completes the statutory process of formal public notification.
Waterfall Creek Stream flowing into South Fiord, Lake Te Anau from an unnamed lake elevated 700m above Lake Te Anau. Topographic map 260 C42, Mount Irene, GR 2076400E 5531500N. Shown on current mapping as Waterfall Creek.
Wisely Falls Waterfalls located approximately midway between Lake Wisely and Lake Duncan on the Wisely Burn (proposed name). Topographic map 260 C42, Mount Irene, GR 705 392. Not named on current mapping.
Wisely Burn Stream flowing SE from Lake Wisely to Lake Duncan. Topographic map 260 C42, Mount Irene, GR 705 392. Not named on current mapping.
Dated at Wellington this 18th day of October 2001.
W. K. SHAW, Secretary, New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.