Notice Type
Notice Title

Fisheries (Registry Standards and Specifications) Notice (No. 2) 2001 (No. F196)

Pursuant to sections 296O and 296P of the Fisheries Act 1996, the Manager Service Delivery, acting under delegated authority, makes the following notice:
N o t i c e
1. Title and commencement-(1) This notice may be cited as the Fisheries (Registry Standards and Specifications) Notice (No. 2) 2001.
(2) This notice shall come into effect on the day after its publication in the New Zealand Gazette.
2. Interpretation-In this notice, terms and expressions defined in the Fisheries Act 1996 have the same meanings as in
that Act.
3. Nature of standards and specifications-(1) Pursuant to the powers delegated by the Minister of Fisheries to the Chief Executive, Ministry of Fisheries, and sub-delegated to me by the Chief Executive, I have made minor and technical amendments to and reissued standards and specifications under section 296O of the Fisheries Act 1996.
(2) These standards and specifications relate to the performance or exercise of specified functions, duties and powers by an Approved Service Delivery Organisation (ASDO). A general indication of the nature of these standards and specifications is listed below.
4. Business standards and specifications
These standards and specifications relate to the general operation and management of an ASDO in exercising any specified function, duty, or power including standards and specifications relating to:
(a) ASDO operation.
(b) Performance record keeping and reporting to the Ministry.
(c) Relationship between the Minister and the ASDO, including dispute resolution.
(d) Development and use of approved forms.
(e) Information management and system requirements.
(f) The technical operating standards for exchange of electronic data and information from an ASDO.
(g) Supply of information to the Ministry to assist with requests made under the Official Information Act 1982.
Service standards and specifications
(a) Revoke and amend approvals for licences, approvals, authorities, permissions or decisions or a registration where false or misleading information has been supplied.
(b) Monitoring and recording fisher's compliance with various reporting and record-keeping requirements.
(c) Client registration.
(d) Monitoring foreign ownership and quota aggregation provisions.
(e) Maintaining and operating registers relating to quota, Annual Catch Entitlements (ACE), registered fishing vessels, fishing permits and the Transitional Register of Quota and Forward Trades.
(f) Recording decisions regarding quota allocation on the quota and Annual Catch Entitlement registers.
(g) Processing transfers of quota and Annual Catch Entitlements, and calculating and comparing ACE with reported catch.
(h) Processing applications for caveats and mortgages.
(i) Recording decisions made by the Ministry of Fisheries on applications for fishing permits on the permit register.
(j) Registering fishing vessels except for the granting of consent to register foreign owned or operated fishing vessels or fish carriers.
(k) Processing and licensing Licensed Fish Receiver (LFR) Applications.
(l) Receiving and processing of Monthly Harvesting Returns (MHRs), Licensed Fish Receiver Returns, Annual Inventory Returns from an LFR and Annual Audit Reports from an LFR.
(m) Monitoring catch limits, advising fishers of their catch balance against catch limits and providing reports to the Ministry regarding those limits.
(n) Issuing Section 80 (Conclusive Notification) notifications.
(o) Amending catch balances.
(p) Reviewing Section 80 (Conclusive Notification) notifications.
(q) Monitoring over-fishing thresholds and tolerance levels as set by the Minister of Fisheries from time to time and actioning breaches of those thresholds and levels.
5. Copies of standards and specifications-Full copies of the standards and specifications are available from the Head Office, Ministry of Fisheries, 101-103 The Terrace (P.O. Box 1020), Wellington.

Dated at Wellington this 18th day of September 2001.
RUSSELL BURNARD, Manager Service Delivery, Ministry of Fisheries.
Publication Date
20 Sep 2001

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