Notice Type
Notice Title

Fisheries (Bycatch Trade-Off) Notice (No. 3) 2001 (No. F187)

Pursuant to section 28ZG of the Fisheries Act 1983 the Manager Fisheries, Nelson, Ministry of Fisheries (acting pursuant to delegated authority in accordance with section 41 of the State Sector Act 1988), hereby gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title and commencement-(1) This notice may be cited as the Fisheries (Bycatch Trade-Off) Notice (No. 3) 2001.
(2) This notice shall come into effect the day after the date of its notification in the New Zealand Gazette, and shall expire on
15 October 2001.
2. Interpretation-In this notice:
(a) Any reference to Quota Management Area means the appropriate Quota Management Area as defined in the Fisheries (Quota Management Areas, Total Allowable Catches and Catch Histories) Notice 1986*;
(b) Target species and bycatch species are specified by the way of fishstock codes, being Fishstock Codes defined in the Second Schedule of the Fisheries (Reporting) Regulations 1990+; and
(c) Methods are specified by way of method codes, being Method Codes defined in the Second Schedule of the Fisheries (Reporting) Regulations 1990+.
3. Offering a lease of quota in lieu of paying deemed value-(1) Subject to this clause, as from the date this notice comes into effect, any commercial fisherman who, but for section 28ZG of the Fisheries Act 1983, could be required under section 28ZD of that Act to pay the deemed value of any fish that is specified as a bycatch species in this notice may, not later than 15 days after the end of the month in which the fish were taken, by notice in writing, offer the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Fisheries a lease or sub-lease of the right to take fish under any quota held or leased by that commercial fisherman that are specified in the Schedule to this notice as a target species in relation to that bycatch species.
(2) The ratios specified in the Schedule to this notice are the ratios at which a lease or sublease of quota of the target species
may be accepted in relation to the amount of the bycatch species for which the offer of quota is made (e.g. if a fisher could be required to pay deemed value for 1 tonne of Jdo 1 and wishes to offer a lease of Fla 1, then the amount that can be offered is
1 tonne x 2.61 = 2.61 tonnes of Fla 1).
(3) The bycatch species must have been taken while fishing for the target species using the method or any of the methods specified in the Schedule (e.g. in the case of the above example, the Jdo 1 bycatch must have been taken using the method of setnetting or Danish seining).
(4) Any offers that relate to bycatch species as specified in this notice must relate to fishing that has occurred in the months of July, August or September 2001 respectively.
4. Revocation-The Fisheries (Bycatch Trade-off) Notice (No. 2) 2001 (No. F179) appearing in the New Zealand Gazette on
10 May 2001, No. 48, page 1089, is hereby revoked.
Dated this 7th day of August 2001.
P. R. TODD, Fisheries Manager, Nelson (acting pursuant to delegated authority).
* S.R. 1986/267
+ S.R. 1990/214
Quota Management Area 1 - Auckland (East)
Target species
Bycatch species Fla 1 Gur 1 Hpb 1 Lin 1 Sna 1 Sna 1
Bar 1 - - - - - 0.05
Bns 1 - - 0.80 1.58 - -
Jdo 1 2.61 - - - 0.98 0.98
Sch 1 - - 0.47 - - -
Tar 1 - 1.69 0.71 - 0.52 0.52
Tre 1 - - - - 0.32 0.32
Quota Management Area 1 - Auckland (East) (continued)
Target species
Bycatch species Sna 1 Sna 1 Spo 1 Tar 1 Tre 1 Tre 1
Method(s) DS SN SN BT BT, BPT SN, RN
Bar 1 - 0.05 0.11 0.09 0.15 0.15
Jdo 1 0.98 0.98 2.31 1.88 3.09 3.09
Mok 1 - 0.22 0.52 - - 0.69
Sch 1 - - - 0.67 - 1.09
Spo 1 - 0.43 - - - 1.34
Tar 1 0.52 0.52 1.23 - 1.65 1.65
Tre 1 - 0.32 0.75 0.61 - -
Quota Management Area 2 - Central (East)
Target species
Bycatch species Fla 2 Gur 2 Gur 2 Lin 2 Ski 2 Tar 2
Method(s) BT, SN BT DS BLL, DL, HL, SN, TL BT BT
Bns 2 - - - 1.45 1.45 -
Hpb 2 - - - 1.68 - -
Mok 1 0.65 0.71 - - - 0.56
Rib 2 - - - 0.20 - -
Sch 2 - - - 0.71 0.71 -
Sna 2 2.21 2.42 2.42 - - 1.90
Spo 2 1.25 1.37 - - - 1.08
Tar 2 - 1.27 1.27 - - -
Tre 2 - 0.65 - - - -
Quota Management Area 2 - Central (East) (continued)
Target species
Bycatch species War 2 War 2
Method(s) BT SN
Bns 2 - -
Hpb 2 - -
Mok 1 0.81 0.81
Rib 2 - -
Sch 2 - 0.97
Sna 2 - 2.75
Spo 2 - 1.56
Tar 2 1.45 -
Tre 2 - 0.74
Quota Management Area 3 - South-East (Coast)
Target species
Bycatch species Bar 1 Fla 3 Rco 3 Spo 3 Tar 3
Method(s) BT BT BT SN BT
Bco 3 - 0.89 4.19 - 1.61
Hpb 3 - - 5.63 1.06 2.17
Lin 3 - - 4.69 - -
Sch 3 - - 3.28 0.62 -
Spe 3 0.32 - 0.19 - -
Sta 3 4.74 0.60 2.81 - 1.08
Swa 3 4.37 - 2.59 - -
Quota Management Area 4 - South-East (Chatham Rise)
Target species
Bycatch species Hpb 4 Lin 4
Method(s) BLL, DL, HL, TL BLL, DL, HL, TL
Bns 3 1.15 0.94
Quota Management Area 5 - Southland
Target species
Bycatch species Fla 3 Hpb 5 Sch 5 Sta 5
Method(s) BT BLL, DL SN BT
Bns 3 - 1.15 - -
Ele 5 0.97 - - -
Lin 5 - 0.83 1.43 1.49
Sch 5 - 0.58 - -
Spo 3 - - 1.62 1.68
Quota Management Area 7 - Challenger
Target species
Bycatch species Bar 7 Fla 7 Tar 7
Method(s) BT BT BT
Sch 7 7.32 - 1.67
Spo 7 - 1.41 2.54
Sta 7 5.21 0.66 1.19
Tar 7 4.37 - -
War 7 3.79 - 0.87
Quota Management Area 8 - Central (West)
Target species
Bycatch species Fla 2 Spo 8 Tre 7 War 8
Method(s) BT SN BPT, BT SN
Mok 1 - 0.52 - 0.81
Rco 2 0.21 0.16 0.36 -
Sch 8 - 0.82 1.81 1.28
Spo 8 1.25 - 2.21 1.56
Quota Management Area 9 - Auckland (West)
Target species
Bycatch species Hpb 1 Sna 8 Sna 8 Tre 7 Tre 7
Bar 7 - - 0.06 0.25 -
Bns 1 0.80 - - - -
Jdo 1 - - 1.31 5.09 -
Sch 1 0.47 0.46 0.46 1.81 1.81
Spo 1 - - 0.57 2.21 2.21
Tar 1 0.71 0.70 0.70 2.71 2.71
Tre 7 - 0.26 0.26 - -
Publication Date
9 Aug 2001

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