Notice Type
Notice Title

Order for Confiscation of Motor Vehicle

Pursuant to Section 84 (6) of the Criminal Justice
Act 1985
CRN: 1069007174
On 30 July 2001, Bruce Rawiri Bennett, of 24 Richmond Avenue, Taupo, was convicted of excess breath alcohol by the District Court at Taupo.
On 30 July 2001, the District Court at Taupo ordered the confiscation of the following motor vehicle in which the defendant has an interest:
Make: Ford
Model: Laser (blue)
Year: 1985
Registration No.: MH 6274
Under the confiscation order, the offender is required to surrender the motor vehicle to the Registrar of the District Court at Taupo on 30 July 2001 by 4.00 p.m.
Dated at the District Court at Taupo this 30th day of July 2001.
DEBRA GALLAGHER, Deputy Registrar.