Notice Type
Notice Title

Constitution for the Combined Board of Hillary College, Bairds Intermediate and Clydemore Primary School

Pursuant to section 105A of the Education Act 1989 as amended in 2000, I hereby give the following notice.
N o t i c e
Membership of the Board:
1. The combined board of Hillary College, Bairds Intermediate and Clydemore Primary School ("the three schools") will be made up of the following people:
? 6 parent representatives (being 2 from each of the three schools);
? 1 principal (appointed by the principals of the three schools and representing the interests of all the schools);
? 1 staff member (elected by the staff of the three schools and representing the interests of the teachers at the three schools);
? 1 student representative (elected by students at
Form 3 and above, representing the interests of all the pupils at the three schools);
? 1 person appointed by the Council of Manukau Institute of Technology;
? 1 person appointed by the Secretary of Education.
? up to 2 co-opted trustees.
Parent Representatives:
2. A separate election for each school's parent representatives shall be held, with the representatives being nominated and elected in accordance with section 96 (1) and (2) of the Education Act 1989 ("the Act") and the Education (School Trustees Election) Regulations 2000 ("election regulations") with any necessary modifications.
3. A candidate who is elected by the eligible voters at more than one of the three schools must indicate within 5 working days of the final election result being declared which school he or she is to represent as trustee. If such a choice is not declared, the previous chairperson of the board may make that choice on his or her behalf. At the inaugural election of the combined board, that choice will be exercised by the MIT trustee.
4. In the event that a successful trustee advises the returning officer that he/she no longer wishes to represent a school for which he/she has been elected, or that a choice has been made under clause 3 of this notice, the next highest polling candidate in respect of that school will be declared as elected.
5. No person who is employed permanently or temporarily by any of the schools can be a parent representative.
6. Casual vacancies for all elected trustees will be filled in accordance with section 105 of the Act.
7. Elections required under this notice or under the Act will be carried out under the election regulations with any necessary modifications relating to the separate parent trustee elections. Returning officers will be appointed and will carry out their duties in accordance with the election regulations.
Staff and Student Representatives:
8. The staff and student representatives will be elected in accordance with section 97 (1) and (2) and section 101 of the Act and the election regulations.
Principal Membership:
9. The principals must jointly appoint one of their number at their joint discretion to exercise their collective vote as trustee for such term as they decide. The term of the appointment of the voting principal is for one school term each on a rotating basis, or as determined from time to time by the principals at their joint discretion.
10. The non-voting principals of each of the two remaining schools at any time are entitled to attend and participate
in (but not vote) at board meetings and delegated sub committees, as required by the board.
11. The appointment and term of appointment of the voting principal is to be notified by the principals to the board (which may be by oral notice at the time of the relevant meeting) and the board is entitled to rely upon that notice and is not required to take any steps to validate the appointment or the term.
Appointed Trustees:
12. The appointment of appointed trustees is solely at the discretion of the appointing bodies.
13. Vacancies for appointed trustees must be notified promptly by the board to the appointing bodies and such vacancies will be filled by appointment in the same manner as the vacating trustee was appointed for the residue of the term of the vacating trustee.
Term of Office:
14. The term of office of the trustees will be in accordance with the 3 yearly (triennial) cycle applying to other school boards in New Zealand.
15. The term of office of the first board will be until March/April 2004 or such other dates as will achieve the requirements of clause 14.
16. The provisions for staggered elections under sections 101A and 101B of the Act apply.
Changes to the Constitution:
17. Changes to the constitution of the combined board will be subject to the approval of the Minister of Education and must be notified in the New Zealand Gazette.
Dated at Wellington this 27th day of May 2001.
TREVOR MALLARD, Minister of Education.